What do you do when you need to ask for help?
Raise your hand with all five fingers up.
What do you do when you get in class?
You hang up backpack on your chair, turn in your homework, lay out your planner, and begin your bellwork.
What do you do when you walk to recess?
You walk in a quiet and straight line.
When you come to school late what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
What is the first thing you should if someone is bothering you?
Use an "I" statement.
What is one thing you can do when you finish my work?
Read a book or write in your journal.
How do you show the raise rule using integrity?
Always tell the truth.
When can you eat a snack?
At recess.
What should we do during the pledge?
Stand respectfully and speak clearly with the class.
When should you tattle immediately?
If it is an emergency.
How do students respect other student's property?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.
How do you let the teacher know you need to use the bathroom?
You raise my hand with index finger up.
What should you do if someone is alone on the playground?
Ask them to play.
What noise level do we have when at our dismissal spot?
Zero Silent
What happens when a visitor enters the room?
The greeter goes to greet them with a handshake.
How can you show the Raise rule using excellence?
Always try my best.
When can you sharpen your pencil?
Before school. You can also trade your pencil for another by raising two fingers.
Who makes sure there is no trash on the playground after snack?
How long is lunch?
15 minutes so use your time wisely.
What happens each day your work is late?
You get 20% off.
What do you do with my phone if you bring it to school?
Turn it off (not just silent) and keep it in your backpack.
In what order do students line up for lunch?
Hot lunch students and then lunchbox students.
How is indoor recess different from outdoor recess?
The Noise level should at level 2 Formal Normal inside.
When two things do you do if you have permission to leave the class?
Sign out and get a hall pass.
When can you use your whiteboard?
Only when the teacher asks you to.