What kind of food can students have during snack
non sweets or will be asked to put away
What do you do when you arrive in the AM?
You get out items needed for the day, hang up backpack up, & quietly start the bell warmer
broken tech
report it ASAP, possible fee
Interaction (bullying/cyber-bullying, language, physical contact)
Referral and could turn into a court case. (Caring, inclusive, mindful, safe)
How do you get your group to work together?
By taking turns talking and sharing.
Academic dishonesty aka cheating
F and parent contact; possible referral
How do you ask for help in class?
Quietly ask your partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait. If many kids need my help at the same time use red/yellow sticks
Going non-class related website
temporary loss of privilege (work will need to be handwritten & researched on own time)
Dress code
White shirt tucked into khaki or black bottoms (skirt length, not skinny leg) with tie or vest. Black/white shoes (no boots). Black sweater with crest. Spirit shirt on Monday. Repeatedly not in attire can result in detention
What if your partner needs help?
teach don't tell; be patient & polite
Stay on task/do not disrupt class
name on whiteboard to owe recess time
Lining up/walking in halls
Quietly, no pushing, single file, ABC order if #s are called
Repeated tech misuse
permanent loss of tech
Absent work
Student's responsibility to see what they missed, and turn the work in. You have two days for every day absent
What do you do when a group member is not following rules?
Remind then report
Do HW nightly & get signatures
owe recess time until completed
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Trade your pencil for another in the pouch, ask to trade with a neighbor (if necessary do it during transitions or independent work)
Library behavior (4 procedures)
Sit down quietly for announcements, look through books at 0-1 volume, read quietly at table, push in chairs
Trading, buying, selling items
is not permitted
What does a good working group look like?
Sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting work done.
Respecting others by listening to them, taking turns, using appropriate language and gestures, keeping hands/feet to yourself, and not touching their stuff
result in name on board to owe recess time, parent contact & possible referral
Using the bathroom
do not ask during a lesson, use symbol, use white board (erase), go before school and during transitions when possible (if it's close to transition then WAIT)
Library book fine
due/renewed every 2 weeks. Fines accumulate every day past due date
cell phones (3 rules)
Turned off, kept in backpack, will be taken & reported otherwise (repeated issues will result in parent meeting)
What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.