What should you be doing while Ms.Inscho is working with small groups?
Silently working independently
Where should 2nd grade students play during recess?
The need to play only in the intermediate play area.
What do you do if you need help during a small group?
Raise your hand or very quietly ask someone at your table for help
When can I use the bathroom?
During class restroom breaks or inside the classroom bathroom if its an emergency
When can you get a drink of water from the water fountain?
What happens if you bring Pokemon cards to school and Ms.Inscho sees them out?
She will take them away.
What do you do if you finish your independent work?
get on iReady
Where do I get a pencil? What do I do if I need a new pencil
put old pencil in the "dirty" pencil tub and get a new pencil out of the "clean" pencil tub
What do I need to do to get clipped up? How do I get clipped down?
-follow expectations
-not following expectations