Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Recess/Lunch Procedures
School rules/Discipline

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

Raise your hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you get to the classroom in the morning?

You hang up backpack in your locker, bring your binder into the class and turn in homework, look at the schedule, and begin morning work.


What can you not bring out to recess?

You cannot bring out any snacks or toys.


What are the school "We Ares"?

Respectful, Safe, Kind, Responsible, and Strong


What are houses?

There are four different houses you can be a part of. Throughout the year, you will be earning house points and your goal is to be the top scoring house for the end of the year party.


What does the acronym F.R.U.I.T. mean?

F- Faith (We put our faith first and aim to grow and share it)

R- Responsibility (We are responsible in and out of the classroom)

U- Uplifting (We build each other up)

I- Integrity (We are honest and aim to do the right thing)

T- Team (We are a team and we will work together to complete the school year strong)

How do you ask for help in class?
You ask you partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.

When the whistle blows at the end of recess what do you do?

You help pick up the playground quickly and line up.


How do you receive an orange slip?

You will receive a front or back side of an orange slip if I or another teacher or adult sees that you are not following one of the school expectations.


What is Mrs. Runyon's favorite fruit?



Who is responsible for all or your homework, papers, supplies, and grades?

Every student is responsible for themselves. It is their sole responsibility to make sure they are prepared for school. It is not their parents, siblings, cats, dogs, etc. responsibility. 


When do I turn in my Thursday Folder? What will happen if I do not bring it back?

You must bring it back to the classroom and turn it in on Friday. If it is not brought back, you will walk cones at recess until it is back in the classroom.


What do you do when an EA is talking to you?

You stop what you are doing, follow their instructions, and be respectful. (Do not interrupt or ignore them)


How do you walk down the hallway?

You walk quietly and in a straight line.


How do I know if I can play a game or do an activity when I am done with my work?

I can look over at the Activity Closet and if it is open, I can grab ONE activity but if it is closed, I know to work on something else (Examples: study for a test or quiz that is coming up, read a book, take an AR test, work on homework for another subject)


What kind of food and drinks can students have in class?

Small, quick snacks and only water to drink.


When can I sharpen my pencil?

Before school, during recess time or afterschool. You can also sharpen your pencil at your desk with the handheld sharpener if your pencil breaks during a lesson.


What is different about first recess and lunch recess?

You will need to grab your lunchbox before you line up for lunch recess.


What is the difference between a front side and a backside of an orange slip?

You earn a front side by not following directions or school rules. You earn a backside if you already have one front side or if you show extreme behaviors (fighting, cheating, bullying, inappropriate language, etc.)


Can I get full credit on an assignment without looking at or following all of the instructions?

No. You need to make sure you double check that your work follows ALL of the instructions that were given.


How do I act during lessons? How do I not act during lessons?

I listen and join in on class discussions. I take notes on important information that I may need to complete my homework and study for quizzes and tests. I do not distract others from listening.


How do students line up?

In number order.


How should you behave in the lunch room?

You should be following lunch room rules and always give your full attention to the EAs when they ask for it.


What are restroom procedures?

Only one person can go at a time and you must go quickly and be quiet in the restroom. You can only use the restroom during work time or at lunch or recess.

What to I do when I need new supplies?

I tell Mrs. Runyon what supplies I need and ask to grab ONE from the supply closet.
