What do you do when you get in class in the morning?
Run your CHAMPS checklist.
What do you when you walk in the hallways?
You walk in a silently and facing forward in a straight line.
When you come to school late like after 8:30, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
What do you do to help others be better students?
You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!
What do you do when recess ends?
You must stop playing and move safely to the line up area. NO RUNNING ON THE PLAYGROUND.
How should you behave in the cafeteria?
Stay seated and use a reasonable speaking volume. Listen to Mrs. Bailey!
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, during bathroom breaks, and in an emergency.
Where can you play ball?
On the grassy area. Basketballs can be used on the blacktop.
What does BEST stand for?
Be Responsible, Espress Kindness, Show Respect, Try Your Best
When do you interrupt the teacher working with a group?
Only in an emergency. Otherwise take a spot on the waiting list.
What kind of drink can students have in class?
When can I sharpen my pencils?
Before school, during snack or indoor recess time. You can also trade your pencil for another.
What should you do when you see someone breaking a school rule?
Tell the adult that is nearby.
How do students line up?
Called by the teacher.
What happens during indoor recess?
Play games, Blooket, or draw. Keep a reasonable volume.
When can you leave the classroom?
You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.