What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise your hand with a calm and quiet body
Can you give an example of a good choice?
(check with Mr. J for response)
How can you show that you are ready for groups?
Sitting down with a calm body
Usually a thumbs up, hands up, or an "I'm ready!"
Can you show me an example of nice hands?
let me see it :)
What do you do when you are done playing with items at recess?
Clean up or ask for help
If you want to go outside, what should you do?
Ask first
If you need Mr. Jordan's attention (or any teacher/staff) what should you do? (2 things)
Have a seat and raise your hand (calm/quiet body always helps)
What can you earn for having an awesome transition after recess time?
Gold coin, high five, praise, etc.
What time does morning group start?
Give me one thing/component needed for a successful group activity!
Student following directions
Calm Quiet Bodies
What is an example of a nice word?
(Mr. J will give a ding ding ding if you get it right)
If a friend is bothering you (mean words, too loud, etc.) how can you respond or help?
Ask nicely, ignore, ask to go to a different area, etc.
How should we play during recess?
How do mean/bad choices make Mr. Jordan feel?
Sad, upset, frustrated, etc.
What 3 things should you do when you arrive in class at the beggining of the day?
Put your things away, sign in, and check-in with Mr. J (good morning hellos or other options)
Can you give me an example of a smooth transition?
Explain or role play.
Mr J. will approve your response
If the item or area you want for recess is unavailable what can you do?
Wait patiently
Ask for help
How do good choices make Mr. Jordan feel?
Full Heart