What do you do when you get in class?
You sign up for lunch, turn in your homework, hang up your backpack and get started on morning work.
What should you be doing when teacher is giving directions?
Eyes on the speaker, mouth closed, ears listening.
When you come to school late, what do you do?
You need to go to the office.
When papers are passed out what do you do?
You put your name, number and date on the paper.
What should you do when the recess teacher blows the whistle?
Stop playing and line up immediately.
When can I use the bathroom?
Before school, at snack time during and lunch. But you can sign out during independent work time.
Why should you complete your homework?
Homework helps to solidify our learning.
How should you act at lunch?
You behave like you are in a restaurant.
What are the roles for each member?
All members should be contributing.
When should you be eating in class?
You may eat your breakfast and snack. Breakfast should be finished by Community Circle.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during snack, while waiting for bus. You can also trade your pencil for another.
Why do you need an independent reading book?
You need to practice reading skills to become a stronger reader.
How should you act in the restroom?
Do what you need to do and get back to class quickly. The restroom is not for socializing.
How do students line up?
In number order.
What should you be doing when a classmate is speaking?
Listening to them without interrupting them.
How should you behave in the hallway?
You should walk quietly so we don't disturb others learning.