What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.
What do you do when you get in class?
You hang up backpack, get out your homework and complete your morning work.
What do you when you walk to the specials or lunch?
You walk in a quietly and straight line.
How do you get your group to work together?
By taking turns talking and sharing.
What do you do to help others be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things.
How do you ask for help in class?
Try it first! If not, raise your hand.
What are the most important recess rules?
Be kind!
Hands to myself
Careful with equipment
How do students respect other students properties?
Ask to use first before taking anything.
When should I use the bathroom?
Before school, during recess, and lunch recess.
What happens if you do not line up after the whistle blows?
You will have to play closer to the classroom.
What kind of food can students have in class?
What do I do if my pencil is not sharp?
Grab a sharp pencil. You do not need to ask. Remember, you should only have two pencils in your desk.
What do you do when the yard duty person blows the whistle?
Line up quickly and quietly
What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.
How do students line up?
In number order.
Voices off
Hands to ourself
How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?
What kind of noise will working in group sound like?
Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.