Fill in the blank:
Our class is a ______________.
What do you do when you get in class?
Read silently
How should we walk when we head over to the lunch benches for snack and lunch?
Our hands our by our sides.
We're standing nice and tall.
Our eyes are looking forward.
Mouths are quiet.
What are our school rules that everyone needs to follow?
Be safe!
Be respectful!
Be responsible!
Bonus: Be kind!
What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise your hand quietly until you are picked.
How do we line up to leave and enter the classroom?
1. Stand in number order.
2. Face forward.
3. Don't talk.
How should we treat others on the playground?
1. Respectfully
2. Kindly
True or False?
School rules can be followed only when we feel like it and not all the time.
Fill in the blank:
Use ________ words.
When can I use the bathroom?
1. The bathroom pass and the bathroom buddies are not taken by someone else.
2. You really have to use the bathroom.
True or False?
We should keep our hands to ourselves.
True or false?
I can hit someone if someone hits me.
How do you go to the prize box?
1. Fill up your sticker chart.
2. Pay $30 Balboa bucks.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
What are some ways to resolve problems on the playground?
1. Tell the person to stop.
2. Walk away from the person bothering you.
3. Report it to a yard duty.
How do students get benched?
By breaking the school rules (fighting, being very mean, hitting, stealing, etc.)
How can you respect others?
1. listening to them
2. taking turns sharing
3. using nice words
4. keeping your hands to yourself and your belongings.
What should you do when you enter the classroom after recess and lunch?
1. Sanitize or wash my hands.
2. Put water bottle away.
3. Go straight to my seat.
4. Wait and listen for instructions from Ms. Kim.
After the bell rings at the end of recess and lunch, where do you go?
You will walk to your line and line up in number order quickly and quietly.
What time should we get to school by?
8:05 AM