Hallways and Restrooms
Engaged Knights
Dean's Office
Daily Routines

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.


Where does trash go in the hallways?

Use the trashcans that are posted at the corners of each hallway, not the floor.


What do Engaged Knights do when the bell rings after lunch?

Engaged Knights will walk to the back of the school and walk into the building in a line without pushing, shoving, or cutting in line.


What does CODE stand for?

Collaborative, Open-Minded, Determined, and Engaged


What times do your phones have to be off?

7:30 AM to 2:00 PM


What kind of food can students have in the classroom?



Can you use your phone in the hallway while walking to class?

No, phones are Away for the Entire Day. 


Engaged Knights actively...

Engaged Knights actively listen and participate in the classroom.  


What time do I have to be in class?

When the bell rings.  Tardies equal detention.  No tardies equals a monthly celebration with treats.


Can you use your phone at lunch?

No, it is a technology violation, and you have to turn your phone in.


Communicate in a positive way is an example of what part of CODE in the classroom?

It's an example of Collaborative. 


Treating others with kindness and respecting the personal space and privacy of others in the hallway is an example of what part of the CODE? 

It is an example of being Open-Minded.


Name 2 of the ways Engaged Knights use the gym.

-No use of phone or earbuds

-Be appropriately dressed

-Follow the expectations, even when no one is watching (including no food or drink)

-Treat the gym like the classroom


What happens when you get a technology violation?

The first time your phone will be picked up by an adult and taken to the office, where you can get it at the end of the day.  The second time, your phone must be picked up by a parent to get it back.  The third time, you will lose the privilege of bringing your phone to school.  


True or False:  Listening to music with headphones or earbuds doesn't count as a phone violation.

FALSE.  Phones, headphones, and earbuds may not be out between the hours of 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM.


Name 2 ways you can be Determined in the classroom.

-Do your best and complete tasks

-Be proactive (be in charge of your actions and voice)

-Be in charge of your own learning

-Clarify your own thinking


How do I move in the halls?

Walk nicely without touching others, jumping on others, pushing others, or creating barriers for other students.  Knights on the right!


How do you show engaged in the restroom?

Be quick, be quiet, and be gone.


Who are the IPA's in the Dean's Office?

Mrs. Foster and Mr. Finau


What do I need to wear every day?

A collared shirt that is black, white, gray, or teal. Pants that are plain black, tan, or jeans.  Sweatshirts that are black, white, grey, or teal that have no writing or design on them.  


What are the names of the Principal, Assistant Principal and the Dean?

Dr. Peixoto, Mrs. Cook-Sanford, Mrs. Fletcher


Knights show determination in the restrooms by...

-Wait patiently if restroom is full.

-Wash hands

-Report any problems, vandalism, etc. to an adult immediately



How do you Engaged Knights enter the cafeteria?

Paying attention to others and being aware of your actions means you are engaged.  

Enter through the east doors, walk in a straight line without pushing or cutting.  


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.


What are the names of the administrative assistants in the front office?

Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. De La Torre, and Miss Lamas.
