What do you do when you get in class?
You hang up your backpack get a sharpened pencil and start morning work.
When you come to school late like after 9:30, what do you do?
You need to go to the office to get a late slip.
How much recess time is 1 tally?
1 minute
Where should 4th grade students play during recess?
The need to play on the play ground
What's the bathroom hand signal?
2 fingers crossed (index and middle)
How do you get to a tally
not following instructions.
What voice level for group work
level 2
Where can I get a sharpened pencil?
On the counter in the "sharp" bucket.
What do you do when 4th grade is called at recess?
You will walk to our class's line to line up.
How do students get an otter buck
follow the ocee way
How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?
You should be quietly walking on the green line
When can you get out of your seat
Ask for permission