Where does your phone belong?
Away Away!!!
If you were absent, where do you find papers that you missed?
In the I Need file.
When walking in the hall, you should...
Walk quietly on the right side of the hallway, do not interrupt others learning.
In you have an idea, who should have the marker?
Not You!
What do I do with classroom supplies?
I put them back where I found them, in the same condition I found them in.
Where do I find supplies I need?
Scrap Paper and White Boards in the cabinet.
Calculators, colored pencils, rulers, glue and scissors on the shelf.
Where should your backpack be?
In your locker
What can you erase?
You can only erase your own thoughts.
When is it okay for you to talk to your friends?
Only when working in a group, but must be working while talking.
Never when a teacher is talking!!
When should I have a sharpen pencil?
Before class starts!!!
When should I be in class?
Before the bell rings!!
If you have an idea, what should others in your group do?
Listen to your whole idea with out interrupting.
If you have a drink or snack in class, you need to....
clean up after yourself, putting wrappers and water bottles in the trash and cleaning any spills or crumbs!!
Where do you wait for the bell to ring at the end of class?
In my seat!
What clothing breaks dress code policy?
Tops that are short, showing belly.
Tops that have straps that are less than two fingers wide.
Shorts or skirts that are too short, do not reach past your fingertips.
Pants that show your underwear.
Who should participate in the group?
ALL members of the group!! No one should be left out and no one should let others do the work for them!
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, sharing common materials, and using appropriate language and gestures.
What do you do if you need help?
ASK!! Ask a friend, ask any adult in the room!! Do not wait until the day of the test!!
When an adult is speaking to you, you should...
Be respectful and listen to what they are saying.
Is it okay to look at other boards?
Definitely, sometimes you may need inspiration, but you must then be able to explain what is on your board!!