What do you do when you want to talk in class?
By raising you hand quietly until you are picked.
When I get here in the morning, the first thing I do is ___. Then I ____. After that I _____. Lastly I _____ and _____ if I want any.
When I get here in the morning, the first thing I do is MOVE MY LUNCH MAGNET. Then I UNPACK. After that I CHECK THAT I HAVE TWO SHARP PENCILS. Lastly I DO MY MORNING WORK and EAT BREAKFAST if I want any.
What rule am I breaking if I don't put my cap back on my marker?
Rule 5 - Respect your classmates, SCHOOL, and teacher.
How should I ask to use the bathroom?
Use my hand signal.
What do you do to help someone be a better student?
You encourage others by saying positive things. You can show them with your actions.
What rule am I breaking if I am doodling on my whiteboard instead of doing the math problem?
Rule 3 - Stay on Task
Your whiteboard goes under your books and your marker goes in your pencil tray.
How can I show I am listening?
What rule am I breaking if I yell out "Mrs. Lee!"?
Rule 2 - Use hand signals
2 pencils, a dry erase marker, and an eraser.
When can I use the bathroom to show responsibility?
During bathroom breaks, lunch, recess, and brain breaks.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
In the morning or after packing up.
What rule am I breaking if I don't get out my marker right away when Mrs. Lee tells me to?
Rule 1 - Listen and Follow Directions
By walking silently on the middle silver line with my hands by my side.
How can you respect others?
By listening to them, and taking turns sharing.
What do I do if there is a fire drill?
Line up quietly at the door and follow your teacher.
What rule am I breaking if I lift my friend off the ground?
Rule 4 - Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
How should I line up?