A way to show respect for a fellow classmate when they are speaking is to ...
not interrupt when they are sharing
face the speaker
non-verbal agreement
What does Ms. Griffin usually show on the smartboard as students enter class?
the agenda for the day
What activity do we complete at the beginning of every ELA and social studies class?
A warm-up
What time does breakfast in the cafeteria end?
8 AM!
How should we act in the hallway when we transition?
walk quietly, try to stay on the right-hand side, keep our bodies to ourselves
What is the procedure for leaving class?
Ask the adult through hand signals or words, sign out, and take a pass (if there are any)
How much time do students have to complete the activity at the beginning of each ELA and social studies class?
5 minutes
How long is lunch/recess?
40 minutes
How do we respect each other's spaces and materials?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.
What is the first thing you should do when you re-enter the classroom from a trip to the bathroom, water fountain, nurse, etc.?
Sign in!
What is the procedure for when you return to school after being absent?
Check Google Classroom, get make-up assignments from the absent folders, and see Ms. Griffin during x-block
If you arrive at school at 8:15 or later, you should ...
check in at the main office and bring a tardy slip to your homeroom teacher
What are the 4 Cs?
What bits of information are on the sign-in sheet?
your name, destination, time out, and time in
What materials do you need to bring everyday to ELA? (Hint: 5 items are on this list)
a chromebook
agenda book
pencil or pen
ELA papers
homework (if assigned)
When you are dismissed from school early, you should go ...
to the office to be picked up by your adult
What is the purpose for circles?
to come together as a community,
repair damage,
hear each other out
If you need help on an assignment and Ms. Griffin is busy, what are 3 strategies you can use?
skip the question and come back to it
Consult the internet to look up a word
Consult your notes
Ask your neighbor
Where can you find your graded assignments?
In your mailbox!
What does "loitering" mean and where is it not allowed?
It means hanging out without a purpose and it is not allowed in the hallway