Classroom rules
Classroom Procedures
Recess Procedures
School rules
Cooperative Groups

What do you do when you want to talk in class?

By raising your hand quietly until you are picked.


What do you do when you get in class?

You hang up backpack, grab pencil,  check volume level and start Amira or Morning worksheet 


What do you do when you walk to the office or lunch?

1.You walk in a quietly -zone zero

2. walk on white square in straight line.

3. Hands to yourself


When you come to school late like after 9:30, what do you do?

You need to go to the office to get a late slip.


How do you get your group to work together?

By taking turn and talk, being respectfuly by listening and sharing.


What do you do to help other be a better student?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put downs!


How do you ask for help in class?

You ask you neighbor or group quietly or raise hand to ask Ms. Greer.


When you hear a whistle when end of the day announcements come on loud speaker what do you do? 

1.You must freeze at sound of whistle.

2. Zone 0 until you hear whistle again

3. Listen for instructions from Ms. Greer


What type of beverage can you drink from in class?

Sealed bottle


How many people is considered a group?

2 or more people.


How do students respect other students properties?

By not touching them, Being kind, Being respectful and do not destroy things that are scared Ask to use first before taking anything.


When can I use the bathroom?

Before school, during bathroom break times, and lunch. But you can also go if you have an emergency. You get one emergency per day.


What do you do to the day before school to be prepared for class?

1. Charge computer

2. Pack back pack and lunch

3. Bring back purple folder with absence notes, money for lunch and any homework


How do you get to Calming Center?

1. You become angry, upset and can not control your emotions to do a time out activity to calm down and think.

2. You are sent there for disrespect to our  teachers, others and are not following rules to think about what you have done wrong.


What is our class Rule?

Be Respectful, Be Honest, Be Accountable, Be Kind and Be Your Best


What kind of food can students have in class?

Water and Ms. Greer treats

When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before school, during recess time or afterschool. You can also trade your pencil for another.

What do you do when lining up to switch class?

1. Make sure area and under desk is cleaned up.

2. Row is called by teacher grab all belongings to include computer and line up in a single file line. 

3. Walk to the bullentin board outside of Ms. Curry's class on zone 0


How do students get Ms. Greer to call home, write a Referral and call a Code?

By fighting, harassing others, threatening others, 

touching others --inappropriately/unwanted touch and disobeying the teacher.


What does a good working group look like?

They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and get their work or project done.


How can you respect others?

By listening to them, taking turns sharing, and using appropriate language and gestures.

How do students line up?
In ABC order or in number order.

How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?

You should be quietly because it is called the  zone0 

Hands to myself


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a hall pass.


What kind of noise will working in group sound like?

Students talking quietly but not disrupting others.
