What do you do right away when you get in class?
You hang up your backpack on the coat hook above your name and move to your desk.
What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise your hand quietly until you are called on.
Where should you sit in the lunchroom?
By a seat with a napkin and silverware already placed.
Where do you turn in your papers?
The correct subject slot in the file separator.
What do we get when we fill our marble jar?
A class party with lemonade and cookies.
How do you ask for help in class?
You raise your hand quietly and wait.
How do we sit on the carpet?
Criss-cross applesauce, quiet, eyes on me.
When are you allowed to dump your tray?
When a teacher dismisses you to go do so.
Where do we meet to do calendar and weather?
The carpet.
How do you earn marbles?
Being well behaved in specials, working extra hard, staying quiet without interrupting, etc.
When can you use the bathroom?
Before school, before/after morning and afternoon recess, and before/after lunch.
Finish this chant... Peanut butter!
Where should 1st grade students line up after recess is over?
The middle in front of the doors.
Where do the water bottles go?
The basket on the sink.
What do you get when you reach a "Super Student" on the clip board?
You are allowed to choose a prize from the treasure chest.
When can you sharpen your pencil and get a drink?
When you ask my permission to do so.
What kind of food can you have in class?
What do you do when you hear the bell ring?
Freeze and line up carefully.
Where do you go to meet your parents after school is over?
Either door at the end of the hallway.
What happens if you get a clip down on the clip board?
You have a warning to change your behavior before I can choose a consequence.
How do students line up?
Boy, girl, boy, girl, etc. Quiet, straight, and professional.
How can you respect others and be a good classmate?
By listening to them, taking turns sharing, keeping your hands to yourself, and being kind.
When do we wash our hands?
Before and after both lunch and recess.
Where do you put notes from your parents to the teacher?
You give them to Miss Spargur.
How do you earn a starburst?
Having a nice and clean desk.