What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise you hand and wait quietly until teacher calls on you.
How do you enter the classroom?
You always enter the classroom calmly and quietly.
When you come to class late and the door is closed and locked, what do you do?
Wait for someone to open the door and knock quietly.
How are warnings given by the teacher?
The teacher will give a verbal warning or fencepost.
Where should you be during class time?
In your assigned seat. You do NOT move around.
How do you ask for help in class?
You always raise your hand.
What happens if you have your phone out?
Usually a warning or Ms. Moss will take it.
If you receive multiple warnings for the same thing, what will happen next?
Receive a 0 the weeks classroom points.
How do students respect other students properties?
By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use first before taking anything.
When can I use the bathroom?
When work time starts. Make sure to ask before you leave.
How do you care for your desk area?
Whose responsibility is it to make the right decisions and follow rules.
It is the student's responsibility.
What can students bring to class to drink?
Anything with a lid. NO FOOD.
When you first come into class, what should you grab first?
If you get on your computer, what are the two things that are NOT allowed.
Youtube and games.
If your bad behavior does not improve, what will happen?
Email to parents, think sheet to take home to reflect on behavior.
If you use a material (clay, paint, pallets, etc.) where do they go when you are done using them?
Back where you got them.
When does Ms. Moss NOT do a journal?
Thursdays and Fridays.
If you finish your project early, what are 3 things you could do?
1. Worry stones, 2. Homework, 3. Helping Clean
If your class leaves the room a mess, what will happen the next time you are back in the classroom?
Cleaning day.