5 + 7 = __
What is 12?
Fill In The Blank:
Jeopardy is ___ best!
What is "the"?
What state do we live in?
What is Michigan?
The most popular "dwarf" planet
What is Pluto?
When you eat Lunch
What is 12:00 Or Noon?
13 x 4 = __
What is 52?
Fill In The Blank:
I am happy that __ __ Friday!
What is "it's", "it is" or "today is"?
USA has how many states?
What is 50?
How the universe got created
What is the Big Bang?
The game we are playing right now
What is Jeopardy?
12 Divided by 3 = __
What is 4?
Fix the sentence: Jeopardy Is Teh Bets
What is Jeopardy Is "The" "Best"?
The first president
Who is George Washington?
The third planet from the sun
What is Earth?
How many swings we have outside
What is 4?
x + 12 = 21
x = __
What is 9?
Fix the sentence: Fix the santance
What is Fix the s"e"nt"e"nce?
The 16th President
What is Abraham Lincoin?
How much Water we have in The World
What is 70%?
Where we are
What is Journey?
3y = 21
y = __
What is 7?
Fix the sentence and fill in the blank: The final actvivty ____ be...
What is The final "activity" \will/ be...?
Our previous president
Who Is Donald Trump?
When Journey was made
What is 2018?
The Opposite of Upside-Down
What is Right-side-Up?