You see a large pool of black liquid directly below your engine.
What is an oil leak.
What is the most dangerous part of the school bus ride?
What is loading/unloading
What belt runs the alternator?
What is the serpentine belt
What is the tire tread depth of the rear tires?
What is 2/32
Approx how old is the average bus driver?
What is 50
Bright yellow lights that are used to warn drivers of an emergency.
What are Hazard lights.
How does your attitude/appearance affect the students/coworkers?
What is negatively/positively. Attitude affects behavior
Following distance required when driving a school bus.
How many seatbelts are on a C2 bus including the driver?
What is 79
When is it ok to pass a bus that is parked in the bus line at a school campus?
What is when their hazards are on
Something you must use if you breakdown on a roadway.
What are flares/hazard triangles.
Who is responsible for teaching/enforcing students to be aware of all school bus rules
What is the school bus driver
Something you do when there is a road closure?
What is a detour
What is the length of a C2 school bus?
What is 39 ft.
How far away do you stop from the RR tracks?
What is 15 to 50 ft.
What is the correct tire pressure?
What is 90 to 105 PSI
What is the procedure of an uncontrolled fight with injuries?
What is call dispatch to notify authorities.
Approximately how many school buses operate in the U.S.?
What is 480,000
What do you do if the bus breaks down over the RR crossing?
What is "Emergency Bus Evacuation"
How long does it take a train of 150 freight cars going 50MPH to stop?
What is 1.5 miles
What PSI does your governor cutoff release at?
What is 120 to 140 PSI
After a collision the first step is to?
What is secure the bus/ check for injuries and call dispatch
How many pushrods and slack adjusters does an air disc brake bus have?
What is zero
How many reflectors does a C2 bus have?
What is 8
When preforming a front door evacuations, what passengers do you start with?
What is the right front seat