What should you do if you arrive late to class or enter the classroom during class time?
Apologize, take your seat quietly, and join the activity in progress.
What is something you shouldn’t do during class?
Interrupt someone who is trying to learn.
What can you save classroom money for?
Bigger rewards
What does respect for teachers mean?
Following their directions and speaking kindly to them.
What is one rule for the cafeteria?
Clean up your area before you leave.
What is one way to be prepared for class?
Bring all necessary materials and complete your homework.
What happens if you keep breaking small rules?
They may lead to more serious consequences.
What might happen if you leave trash in the cafeteria?
You might have to clean it up or have a lunch detention.
Why should you take care of school property?
So it stays clean and usable for everyone.
What should you do with your phone during the school day?
Keep it silent, off, and out of sight in your locker.
What should electronic devices be during class time?
Silent and out of sight unless allowed by the teacher or adult.
What’s an example of disrespectful behavior?
Bullying or threatening someone.
What’s a consequence of leaving school without permission?
You may need to meet with the teacher or principal and your family.
What happens if you break a school rule during a school trip?
The same rules and consequences apply as if you were in school.
Name one thing you shouldn’t do on the bus.
Throw things inside or out of the bus.
How should you act during quiet activities?
Work quietly and avoid disrupting others.
What happens if you bring something unsafe to school?
It will be taken away, and you may have to meet with a teacher or principal.
What happens if you keep breaking bus rules?
You might lose the privilege to ride the bus.
How should you act at school events like assemblies or games?
Be polite and show good behavior.
What happens if you use bad language at school?
You may have to meet with a teacher or principal and face a consequence.
Why do we have classroom rules?
To help everyone feel safe and ready to learn.
What should you do if you hurt someone’s feelings?
Apologize and try to make it right.
How can fixing a problem help you avoid bigger consequences?
By showing responsibility and making things right.
Why is self-respect important?
It helps you make good choices and feel proud of yourself.
How should you act toward substitute teachers?
Show the same respect and kindness as your regular teacher.