What is a Master's Degree?
The students the school counselor works to support?
What are ALL STUDENTS!!!!!!
BLANK drives all the work that School Counselors do. Some examples of how BLANK can be collected in surveys, focus groups, or examining records.
What is data?
This type of counseling involves a school counselor working with a few students to address shared issues, such as anxiety, grief, or social skills.
What is group counseling?
As a student, you may want to know this metric when filling out scholarships or applying to college. Your counselor can help you find it on your transcript, but they shouldn't be computing it for all students.
What is GPA's?
The ideal caseload for one school counselor?
What is 250 students?
School Counselors create these to help teach students about the 3 domains of school counseling.
What are classroom lessons?
These two styles of services should take up at least 80% of the school counselors day.
What are Direct and Indirect Services?
School counselors will work with community resources and families to provide this when the school system is not meeting needs and outside services are needed
What are referrals?
While school counselors may help students resolve conflicts, this task, which involves enforcing school policies isn't ethical to do.
What is disciplinary actions/assigning consequences?
The 3 domains of school counselors' work?
What are academics, college and career readiness, and social-emotional learning?
School counselors advocate for this, ensuring that students have access to the same opportunities and support, regardless of their background or identity
What is equity, diversity, and inclusion?
This service school counselors provide deals with advisement, care, and conference with the end goal of solving problems and assisting groups and individuals
What is Consultation?
School counselors are often required to follow this federal law, which guarantees students' privacy rights regarding their educational records and limits who can access that information.
What is FERPA? (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act )
This task, which involves supervising students while teachers are absent, is not school counselors' responsibility, even if it is for just one period.
What is classroom coverage?
This organization provides professional development; publications; and other resources, research and advocacy to school counselors around the globe
What is ASCA?
What are IEP's and 504's?
The ASCA National Model defines these four components as key for school counselors in creating a comprehensive school counseling program.
What are Define, Manage, Deliver, Assess?
According to ethical guidelines, school counselors can provide this number of counseling sessions before search for further options for the student
What is around 6?
While school counselors may advise on course selection and student needs, creating this is generally the responsibility of the administration
What is the master schedule?
This "g" word; a word commonly used to describe the profession that grossly underestimated all school counselors do?
What is Guidance?
This common framework is often utilized by school counselors to develop their programs (for academics of behavior) for students at one of three levels.
What is MTSS?
This Latin term means "in the place of a parent", and refers to the legal responsibility of a school counselor to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent.
What is in loco parentis?
This is the process school counselors use to provide immediate support to students dealing with situations like trauma, grief, or suicidal thoughts
What is crisis intervention?
The organization of this task can occur multiple times a year yielding district data beneficial to school counselors, but it is not their role to manage.
What is school-wide testing