Character Traits
Basic Information
What does cooperative mean?
Cooperative means that you can work together nicely, politely, and respectfully to solve a problem or reach a goal.
The adult in the building that will listen to your problems and help you find ways to solve them is called the
School Counselor (Guidance Counselor)
Is it ok to get angry?
Yes, everyone gets angry! It is what you do with your anger and how you express it that makes the difference.
Can you see the school counselor if you have trouble with your school work or grades?
Yes! The counselor has strategies to help you study, focus, and learn!
What does responsible mean?
Responsible means that you can be trusted to do something, even when people aren't always watching you. (BONUS POINT! Earn 1 bonus point if you can tell us 1 thing that you are responsible for AND 1 way that you show you are responsible)
Will the school counselor tell your teachers and friends what you say about them?
No! Conversations with the school counselor are private!
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
Talk to the school counselor, go for a walk, write in a journal or notebook, talk to a friend, etc. (EARN 200 BONUS POINTS IF YOU CAN ALSO TELL US WHAT YOU CAN DO IF YOU ARE FEELING ANGRY)
How can we be good listeners?
Keeping your eyes on the teacher, sitting up straight, paying attention, and only talking when the teacher asks us to.
What does respectful mean?
Respectful means that you show that you care about somebody or something. You treat people or things the way that you would want them to treat you or your things.
Name some times you may want to talk to the school counselor.
If you are upset, if you lose a loved one, if you have an argument with friends, feeling sad/angry/confused/worried etc. (EARN 300 BONUS POINTS IF YOU CAN TELL US WHO ELSE YOU CAN TALK TO IF THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR IS NOT AVAILABLE OR IF YOU HAVE A SMALL PROBLEM)
Name ways to be a good friend.
Use respectful language, be trustworthy, have good sportsmanship, be cooperative, help them when they get hurt, be an upstander.
Name some ways to study for a test.
Flashcards, getting someone to quiz you, rereading the material, and PRACTICE.
What does sympathetic or sympathy mean?
It means that you can feel happy or bad for someone that is going through something.
What kinds of things do you learn from your counselor?
How to calm down, how to solve problems, ways to be a good friend, ways to talk to other people, etc.
Why is it important to try your best?
All we can expect you to do is your very best. As long as you are trying, you can succeed!
What does empathetic mean?
When you are empathetic, you showing that you can see things through someone else's point of view. (Also known as putting yourself in someone else's shoes). You can imagine that you are in the same or a similar situation than they are and imagine how you should treat them based on how you would want to be treated.
If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or bothered by someone should you keep that secret?
No! Tell a grownup to get them help!