Who am I?
Ways School Counselors Help

What is my role in this school? 

A school counselor! 


After I meet with Miss Javarone, she calls my parents and tells them everything that I said. True or false?

False! Everything stays confidential unless if someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone else, you want to hurt yourself, or you give me permission to share with another trusted adult. 

Miss Javarone has a magic wand that will make all of your problems go away! 

False- as much as I wish I could, we can work on skills to help with your problems and emotions!


You had a problem with your teacher and you felt frustrated. If you tell Miss Javarone about it, she will

1) Tell your teacher 

2) Tell your mom and dad 

3) Keep it confidential & help you figure out what to do

3) Keep it confidential & help you figure out what to do


If Miss Javarone is busy, you should

1) GIVE UP! She'll never have time 

2) Leave a note in her mailbox so she can come get you when she's free. You are very important to her!

2) Leave a note in her mailbox so she can come get you when she's free. You are very important to her!


If I go to the school counselor that means I am a bad student. True or false 



If someone is hurting me or threatening to hurt me, Miss Javarone has to keep that secret- I can't tell anyone. True or false? 



School counselors are good listeners. Sometimes it just helps to have someone listen to you. True or false? 



Your friends are acting different and telling secrets. You feel like you don't have any friends anymore. What can you do? 

1) Talk to your teacher 

2) Talk to another grown-up you trust 

3) Talk to Miss Javarone 

4) All of the above

4) All of the above 


If I meet with Miss Javarone that means something is wrong with me. True or false? 



My friend and I keep getting into fights. I am so upset about it and I can't focus on my school work. But, if I talk to Miss Javarone about it, she will tell my friend and maybe even my teacher. True or false? 



Miss Javarone can help you learn coping skills. Coping skills mean: 

1) Ways to handle problems and make things better

2) Let It Go- By Elsa 

3) Math

1) Ways to handle problems and make things better


A kid in your classroom will not stop teasing you and making fun of you. You feel sad and worried. What can you do? 

1) Talk to your teacher. 

2) Respectfully tell them how you feel. 

3) Talk with Miss Javarone if you aren't sure what to do. 

4) Any of the choices above!

4) Any of the choices above!


Miss Javarone works with 

1) The kids with problems 

2) The smartest kids

3) All kids at Brighter Choice 

3) All kids at Brighter Choice!


You're in a group with Miss Javarone and other kids. If friends, who are not in the group, ask you what you talked about in the group, you can tell them everything everyone else said. True or false?



Miss Javarone can help you with 

1) Controlling feelings of sadness, anger, worry and more!

2) Getting organized and getting homework done

3) Solving problems 

4) Home, family or friend situations that are bothering you

5) All of the above! 

5) All of the above! 


You are sitting in Miss Javarone's guidance class. She is teaching you about

1) Reading 

2) Gymnastics 

3) Life Skills (Bullying, listening, etc.) 

4) Dinosaur bones

3) Life Skills (Bullying, listening, etc.) 


What does a school counselor do?

Helps with school, teach lessons and help you gain more skills, support you, teach you about careers, be there for you when you need help, and so much more!


What is confidentiality?

Keeping what we talked about a secret! Your right to privacy. 


If you go to see Ms. Javarone about a problem she will 

1) Give you a lamp with a genie inside to fix all your problems 

2) You will talk 

3) You might do art or play games to help you understand your feelings

4) You will make plans to create something that will help you

2, 3, and 4! (NOT 1!) 


A grown-up at home hurts me at night sometimes. I even have bruises on my legs and arms. If I tell Miss Javarone, she will

1) Keep it a secret 

2) Tell certain grown-ups who will work together to keep me safe 

3) Tell everyone at school

2) Tell certain grown-ups who will work together to keep me safe
