Who Am I?
Where Am I?
What Do I Do?
Your Brain
Cottonwood Creek

What is my name?

Mrs. Christian


I travel all over the school every day.  Where do I teach Guidance Lessons?

In your classroom


I love to talk about our emotions - especially the part of our body where our emotions are held.  Where in our body do we survive, feel, and think?

Our Brain


The lowest part of our brain is sometimes called our Animal Brain because it helps us - and other animals - to survive from danger.  What is the lowest part of our brain called?

Brain Stem


Our principal has been here for 29 years.  What is her name?

Dr. Penny


My job is very important to me.  What is my job?

School Counselor


I love to talk to kids!  Where is my office?

In the main hallway- across from C hall


Sometimes we have conflicts with our friends or family members.  What tool is in your classroom that you can use to help work out your conflicts?

Conflict Resolution Wheel


Our brain is the home of our feelings.  What is the part of the brain where we feel our feelings?



Our assistant principal is new to CCE.  What is her name?

Mrs. Springer


I love to tell stories about my family.  Who do I sometimes talk about?

My kids, my husband, my brother


I love to say "Hello" in the morning.  Where can you find me each morning?

In the front loop 


I love to chat with learners... can you come share some positive news with me? 

ABSOLUTELY!! I love to hear about everything good and bad!


The front part of our brain is responsible for thinking and making decisions.  What is the name of the top, front part of our brain?

Prefrontal Cortex


We are proud to be at Cottonwood Creek.  What is our school mascot?

We are the Colts!


Where did I go to college? 

Dallas Baptist University (DBU)!


Sometimes kids have big feelings and want to talk about it.  How do you find me if you want to talk?

Use the QR code on the wall to send me a message and I will come to see you as soon as I can.


 What are some ways we can calm down our brains and bodies when we are upset?

Many possible answers - deep breaths, listen to music, count to 10, use a fidget, talk about our feelings to a trusted adult


Sometimes we get really upset.  What happens to our brains when we are upset?

When our amygdala is filled with big emotions it stops talking to our prefrontal cortex.  Then we "flip our lids" and have a hard time thinking and making decisions.


CCE has been around for a long time.  How many years has CCE been open?

29 years!  


I grew up in Coppell.  Where did I go to elementary school?



Sometimes I do activities with a group of kids.  Where do I teach lessons to groups?

In my office


I like to teach about safety.   What is an example of making a safe choice?

Many possible answers:  Stop, Ask First.  Don't taste things that you find on the ground.  Wear helmets when you ride you bike or scooter.  Say "no" if someone tries to pressure you to do something you don't want to do.


Coping strategies are things we use to help us NOT flip our lids.  What are some things you like to do to help your emotions stay small or medium-sized?

Many possible answers - rest, drink water, exercise, have a snack, take a break, talk to a trusted adult, listen to music, take deep breaths

Cottonwood Creek is located on Parkway Blvd.  What other school is located on Parkway Blvd? Hint: IT'S BIG!

Coppell High School!
