What is my school counselor's name?
Why might you meet with the school counselor during lunch time?
Lunch group!
True or False: The counselor will fix all of my problems for me!
Where is my school counselor's office located?
Upstairs in between the 3rd and 4th grade pods.
Name two reasons you might ask your teacher to come meet with your school counselor.
Feeling very upset, having trouble solving a problem on your own, having big emotions, having a hard time with a friend, something hard happened outside of school, etc.
Name two things you might do when you visit the school counselor.
Talk, brainstorm solutions to a problem, learn new skills, play a game, be part of a group, etc.
What grades does my school counselor work with?
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and one class of 3rd!
How do you make an appointment to meet with your school counselor?
Ask your teacher to reach out, or ask to write your name on her whiteboard.
True or False: I am in big trouble if I have to go meet with my school counselor.
True or False: My counselor only meets with students in her office.
False! She might also work with students in the pod, in classrooms, or outside for a lunch group.
True or false: Sometimes, your counselor may tell your parents or teachers something you talked about in counseling.
Which group/groups of people does my school counselor work with:
a) students
b) teachers & staff
c) both a & b
d) parents
e) all of the above
What is the name of my school counseling intern this year?
Ms. Rubenstein or Ms. R.
Who should I talk to if my school counselor is absent and I am having a hard time?
Another trusted adult at school or at home.
Name one strategy you might learn or practice when you meet with the school counselor.
Taking deep breaths, grounding exercises, movement break, mindfulness, etc.