This is an example of a calm down strategy involving breathing.
What is balloon breathing, pretzel breathing, drain
These are things you could do if someone makes a face at you.
What is Ignore them, Talk it Out, Avoid the person, Use Humor?
This is the definition of empathy
The ability to read and understand others' feelings and thoughts, and letting the person know you understand in a positive way.
Body shaking, hard to concentrate, dark house, spooky noises
What is scared
I am feeling sad.
What is the blue zone?
You get upset because your teach chose someone else to be line leader.
Take a few deep breaths, know there will be other opportunities to line lead.
Ways you can solve a problem when you are playing a game with a friend and you both want to go first
What is Chance, compromise, take turns, negotiate
Name an event that might make you upset.
What is losing a pet, getting a bad grade, losing a race, forgetting your lunch, etc...
Heart is happy, hugged by someone, complimented
Happy, loved, special
I am feeling silly.
What is the yellow zone?
Your teacher does not call on you during the Google Meet.
Type your answer in the chat, keep raising your hand, say the answer out loud while on mute.
Strategies to use when a friend is making you mad.
What is use anger management strategies to calm down. When calm, let them know that they went too far.
Name a time when you might be stressed.
Learning something new, forgetting homework
Water running down my cheeks, mouth turned down, friend made fun of me
What is sadness?
It's okay to be in all the zones at some point. True or False?
It's time to leave art class but you did not finish your project.
Try a breathing technique, ask to go to the calm down corner.
Bullying or Mean? A classmate knocks your books out of your hands and laughs at you every day.
Name an event that might make you jealous.
Seeing someone with a toy you want, when your friend play with someone else, when the teacher calls on someone else, someone gets a better grade than you
Red face, clenched fist, lost game, no free time.
What is anger
I am out of control.
What is the red zone
Name a time when you had to calm down during online learning.
This is the definition of compromise
What is taking turns, doing what someone wants first then doing what you want.
Name a time when you might feel embarrassed.
Missing a goal, falling down, spilling your lunch, not knowing the answer
Feel like running around, looking forward to something, fun plans this weekend
When a problem is small, your reaction should be small. When a problem is big, your reaction will probably be _______.
What is BIG