What does a counselor do?
Problems, Problems, Problems
Office Stats
Other Important Stuff
About the Counselor
What are some topics that I may teach to you in your classroom? Name 2.
Bullying, , study skills, getting along with others (conflict resolution), careers, personal safety, differences, peer pressure, goal setting
What kind of problems can you talk to a counselor about?
Friendship problems, family problems, bullying, study skills, stress, feelings, when you are scared of feeling unsafe at home or at school.
How many counselors do we have at Robinson this year?
Two, including me.
What does having good attendance mean?
It means to be here and be on time, unless you are very sick (fever or throwing up), or someone has passed away in your family.
What is my first name?
Why would you come to see a counselor individually?
Having difficulty at home, school, with family, with friends, someone is bullying you or making you feel unsafe.
What is an emergency?
An emergency is when you are being threatened or hurt at home or in school by someone, you lost a family member, something has happened to make you extremely upset (besides a friendship problem), or you are scared for your safety.
Where do you put your slip that you fill out to come and talk to me?
In my box or envelope, outside my door.
What can you do to make sure you make good grades this year? Name two things.
Pay attention in class, complete all your school work and homework, follow directions, listen, study for tests, be organized.
How many kids do I have?
Three daughters
What kinds of small groups does a counselor lead?
Groups for study skills, self esteem, family support, friendship
How do you get to talk to me individually when you have a problem?
Ask your teacher for a slip, fill it out, and put it in my box.
Where is my office?
By the art and music room; in hall leading to outside playground.
What should you do if you are ever feeling unsafe in any way at home or at school?
Tell an adult who you trust.
Who is the other counselor here at Robinson?
Mrs. McKee. She has grades k, 2, and 4.
Name one other thing a counselor does besides teaching classes and talking to students individually.
Lead small groups, talk to parents and teachers,
What is another way you can solve a friendship problem besides talking to the counselor?
You can talk it out with a friend, ask another adult for help like your teacher, apologize if you need to, share, take turns, compromise, negotiate a plan, move away from someone who is bothering you, use firm words, ignore, or be friendly.
How many years have I been at R?
This is the fifth year
What does Kelso teach us about?
Big and little problems
What state was I born in?
New York
How often will the counselor come into the class for guidance?
Every other week
What is confidentiality?
Confidentiality means that everything we talk about is private, that means it stays between you and I. The only times I may have to break confidentiality is if you have hurt someone, or are threatening to, if someone is hurting you, or if you are hurting yourself. I will let you know if I have to call your parents first.
When do our guidance groups meet?
One a week during lunch
Define bully, victim and bystander
Bully - person doing the mean act or bullying Victim - target of the bullying Bystander - witness
What grades do I have this year?
!st, 3rd and 5th