What can a school counselor help with?

A school counselor can help you with... 

a) Feelings like anger, sadness, worry and more! 

b) Getting organized and getting homework done 

c) Solving problems 

d) Home or family situations that are bothering you 

e) All of the above and more

e) all of the above and more!


What is your school counselor's name?

Mrs. Chausse


True or False: I am in trouble if I see the school counselor.



You are experiencing some changes at home and want to talk to someone about it. Who can you talk to?

a) your teacher

b)  your school counselor

c) a trusted adult

d) all of the above

d) all of the above


Which of the following are reasons to see the school counselor?

- I forgot to do my homework.

- Someone is being hurt.

- I am feeling sad, lonely, or worried.

- I don't like the math lesson today.

- I am having trouble making friends.


Where is your school counselor's office located?

It is located on the first floor inside the Student Services office.


True or false:  All feelings are okay to feel.

True, all feelings are okay, it is what we do with them that counts!


You are having a problem with a friend and decide to go to the school counselor for support.  The school counselor will:

a) tell your friend that you are mad at them.

b) keep your problem confidential and help you create a plan.

c) wave a magic wand to make the problem go away.

b) keep your problem confidential and help you create a plan.


**If you see the school counselor about a problem, you might:

a) talk about your problem 

b) complete an activity or play a game 

c) make a plan that will help you

d) all of the above


d) all of the above


How can you access the school counselor?

Write a note, ask a parent/guardian to contact me, stop in a lunch or recess with teacher permission.


True or false:  When I write Mrs. Chausse a note, she will come see me right away.


Fill in the blank:

The school counselor ____________ fix my problems for me.

will/will not

will not


Name 3 topics that we will learn about in classroom lessons this year.

Feelings, coping skills, friendship skills, problem solving, cooperation, and more!

Name 2 ways in which a school counselor supports students?

Classroom lessons, small group activities, individual counseling, goal setting and planning, consulting with parents and teachers, collaborating with community agencies.


True or false:  You should only see the school couselor when you have a BIG problem.  

False.  The school counselor is there to help with problems of all sizes!  Working through small problems can sometimes help big problems from happening.


How do you attend Lunch Bunch with Mrs. Chausse?

There will be a sign up sheet outside of the school counselor's office.  


The school counselor can help students work through their big feelings.  Name as many feeling words as you can in 30 seconds!

1-2: 1pt 

3-5: 2 pts 

6-8: 3pts 

8-10: 4 pts

11+: 5 pts

Happy, sad, angry, frustrated, worried, excited, afraid, scared, anxious, bored, embarrassed, upset, disgust, confident, brave... and many more!


What does confidentiality mean?

Keeping information private.


True or false:  Mrs. Chausse is allowed to tell teachers and friends what we talk about in her office.  

False.  The only time that I will share what we talk about is if someone wants to hurt you, you want to hurt yourself, or you want to hurt someone else.  I will ask your permission if I think it is important to share other information. 


What is one thing that you remember about Mrs. Chausse?

Anything you learned from today is correct!
