Kids Who Talk to
Ms. Brookes-Romney
Ways I Can Help

After I meet with Ms. Brookes-Romney, she calls my parents and tells them everything that I said. 

True or False?

What is; False


If I need to go talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney alone or in a small group, it means I'm a bad kid.

True or False?

What is; 



When can I meet with Ms. Brookes-Romney?

What is; 

anytime you have a problem or concern.


Ms. Brookes-Romney can help you with... 

A) Feelings like anger, sadness, worry and more! 

B) Getting organized and getting homework done

 C) Solving problems 

D) Home or family situations that are bothering you 

E) All of the above and more

E) What is; 

All of the above and more


You are having friendship problems. What is another way you can solve it besides talking to the counselor?

What is;

You can talk it out with a friend, ask another adult for help like your teacher, apologize if you need to, share, take turns, compromise, negotiate a plan, move away from someone who is bothering you, use firm words, ignore, or be friendly.


If someone else is hurting me or threatening to hurt me, Ms. Brookes-Romney has to keep that secret - she can't tell anyone. True or False?

What is; 



If I am having problems that are bothering me I should keep them to myself and try to fix it by myself. 

True or False?

What is; False!


Your classroom teacher has forms that you can fill out to go talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney.

True or False?

What is; True!


If you go to see Ms. Brookes-Romney about a problem... 

A) She will give you a lamp with a genie inside

 B) You will talk 

C) You might play games while you talk 

D) You might do art to help you understand your feelings 

E) You might make plans to create something that will help you

 F) Answers B, C, D, and E 

What is; 

F) answers B, C, D, and E


A grown-up at home hits me at night sometimes. I even have bruises on my legs and arms. If I tell Ms. Brookes-Romney, she will...

A) Keep it a secret

B) Tell certain grown-ups who will work together to keep me safe

C) Tell everyone at school

B) What is; Tell certain grown-ups who will work together to keep me safe


My friend and I keep getting into fights. I'm so upset about it that I can't focus on my school work. But, if I tell Ms. Brookes-Romney about it, she will go tell my friend and maybe even tell my teacher. True or False?

What is;



Ms. Brookes-Romney works with...

A) The kids with problems.

B) The smartest kids.

C) All 5th through 8th grade students.

What is ;

C) All 5th through 8th grade students


Who can ask Ms. Brookes-Romney to talk with you? 

A. You

B. Your parent/guardian

C. A school staff member

D. All of the above

What is;

D. All of the above


What are some topics that I may teach you when I come to your classroom? Name 2.

What is;

Bullying, study skills, getting along with others (conflict resolution), careers, personal safety, peer pressure, friendship, feelings, problem solving, goal setting...


Your friends are acting different; being mean and telling secrets. You feel like you don't have any friends anymore. What can you do? 

A) Talk to your teacher 

B) Talk to another grown-up you trust 

C) Talk to Ms. Brookes-Romney

D) All of the above

D) What is; 

All of the above


You're in group with Ms. Brookes-Romney and other kids. If friends (who are not in group) ask you what you talked about in group, you can tell them everything everyone else said.

True or False?

What is; 



Name one way going to talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney is DIFFERENT than going to talk with Mr. Ly or Mr. Jackson.

Answers can vary;

What is; You are not in trouble if you talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney.


If Ms. Brookes-Romney is busy, you should...

A) GIVE UP! She'll never have time

B) Have your teacher place a form in her mailbox so she can come get you when she's free. You are very important to her!

What is;

B) Have your teacher place a form in her mailbox so she can come get you when she's free. 


Can you see the school counselor if you just want to share good news?

What is yes!!


A kid in your classroom will not stop teasing you and making fun of you. You feel sad and worried. What can you do? 

A) Talk to your teacher. 

B) Respectfully tell them how you feel. 

C) Talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney if you aren't sure what to do. 

D) All of the choices above!

D) What is;

 All of the  above!



What is; Confidentiality means that Ms. Brookes-Romney HAS to keep the information you share with her private, unless...

Someone is hurting you

You want to hurt someone else

You are hurting yourself

You give her permission to share with someone else


When Ms. Brookes-Romney meet with a few students together to talk about a topic,  that is called ___________ counseling.

What is group counseling?


Where is your school counselor's office located?

What is;

What is; room 401H


What kinds of small groups does a counselor lead?

What is;

Groups for study skills, test taking skills, self esteem, family support, friendship, resiliency, problem solving....


One of your friend does not like Jane and keeps getting mad at you because you and Jane are friends. You like both of them. What should you do?

A) Stop playing with Jane

B) Tell your friend she is not the boss of you

C. Talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney if you don't know what to do

C) What is; 

Talk with Ms. Brookes-Romney if you don't know what to do
