True or false: It is okay to talk over other people in this classroom (teachers and/or peers)
Keep your _______ ___ _____________ and your _______ ________
Keep your hands to yourself and your words kind
This is the only time that you are allowed to use your phones without getting in trouble
What are the four different color shirts that students at WMS are allowed to wear according to dress code policy?
white, blue, black, gray
What is our room number?
What is the first thing you should do when entering the classroom?
Read the board
You must be in your first period class by this time.
7:40. The bell is not a suggestion.
If you need a loaner chrome book, you must go see this man at this time
Mr. Mosely during 1st period
What are the requirements for wearing a hoodie at WMS?
-must be a plain hoodie that is school colors OR have a logo no bigger than your fist
What is my favorite drink?
True or false: it is okay to eat/drink in Ms. Paris's class with permission
True. Enjoy your snacks just don't leave a mess (:
This is the golden rule
Treat others how you want to be treated
What is the cell phone rule in Ms. Paris's classroom?
- can only be used in case of emergency or to listen to music during independent work
Dresses, shorts and skirts must be how long to be in compliance with WMS dress code policy?
Fingertip length
How many years have I been teaching at WMS?
If you need to borrow a pencil from me, what do you need to give me in return?
Cell phone
What is the ten minute rule?
Students cannot leave the classroom in the first or last ten minutes of class
What is the name of the paper you must have signed and returned in order to receive your chrome book?
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Your shirt no longer needs to have a collar if it has this on it instead
Woodbridge logo
What is Ms. Paris' son's name?
What does "maintain academic integrity" mean? what is the penalty for breaking this expectation?
It means don't cheat on assignments. Cheating results in an automatic zero
Who is our dean of students? (the person you see if you get in trouble)
Mr. Cannon
Where can you find all of our classwork even if you are absent?
Google classroom
What type of shoe are students NOT allowed to wear at WMS?
Open heeled shoes
Where did Ms. Paris go to school? (high school and college)
High school: Polytech
College: University of Delaware