When waiting for the bus at dismissal where do students wait?
Students wait on the sidewalk next to the building under the windows.
What is the volume level in the hallway?
Very quite- Level 1
How should we enter Mrs. Jones Class room?
Only go in through the entrance door.
Where will you find daily needed supplies?
On the board to the left of the Promethean board.
Mrs. Jones said show respect to everyone in the classroom including?
Yourself and Mrs. Jones
Why do you think Mrs. Jones wants you to show yourself respect?
How many crosswalks do we have?
If a see a friend in the hallway can I acknowledge them by saying hi on my way to the restroom?
Yes, but keep going to my destination. I'm not stopping to have a conversation. Say hi and keep going.
Where will Mrs. Jones be during transitions?
Mrs. Jones will be waiting at the Door to welcome us into the classroom with a handshake or a fist bump.
Where should backpacks be stored in the classroom?
In the back of the classroom.
Come to class on time prepared with a ready-to-learn attitude is and a recipe for.......
Where should you cross the street to get to your ride?
You should go to the closest crosswalk.
How many people can be out of the classroom at a time?
1- No exceptions
How do I know it's time to leave Mrs. Jones class>
Mrs. Jones will tell us it is time to dismiss, not the bell. The bell is the suggestion, and Mrs. Jones is the one to decides.
What supplies did Mrs. Jones say you needed for her class?
A ready-to-learn attitude, paper pencil, and a box of tissue.
Respect the property of others and the school by.....
Keep your feet off the desk, no writing on tables furniture, or walls. Keep your hands, feet, and objects off others’ property and person.
If you are a walker when do you go home?
Immediately after school is dismissed for the day. Do not stay around hanging out with friends.
What is the Expectation in the restroom?
Do your Business and get back to class quickly!
Mrs. Jones said she expects active engagement, what does that mean?
Stay on task, participate, respect others' time and perspectives, take turns, challenge each other the think deeper.
If you forget your school-provided earbuds on computer day, what will happen?
Students will have to borrow headphones from the teacher.
Bullying is...
Repeated picking on an individual.
When dismissed you go to the exit that is.....
The nearest to your location.
When going to the restroom what is the procedure?
Have the teacher fill out the planner. Students signout by on the bathroom signout by the door.
What is the only reason Mrs. Jones will except work past it's Due Date?
If you are sick, you will have extra days as outlined in district policy.
Explain the Cell Phone Policy.
Cell phones need to be in your backpack and turned off.
Kindness is