What are the main 3 student expectations?
Be kind
Be respectful
Be responsible
Name 3 classroom expectations
Respect others
Do my work
Keep my classroom clean
Raise my hand
Take care of the materials
Be fully engage
Help others
Be kind
When you use your manners in the cafeteria you are being...
what are the rules for the hammock?
1-2 students at a time
Do not try to flip the hammock over
Line up/wait your turn
Hold onto something
Being responsible in the bathroom means...
Be quick, clean, and quiet
Remember to flush
Keep trash and water off the floor
Return promptly to class
How can you be respectful in the hallway
Use level 0 voice
Wait until the line ends before passing another class
Keep my hands off the walls
How do you be safe in the classroom?
Be in the assigned area
Keep all four chair legs on the floor
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self
Use materials appropriately
Ask permission to leave the classroom
Report any incident to your teacher.
Being responsible in the cafeteria means...
Clean after I am done eating
Wait for my turn
Throw my garbage in the garbage container
Some playground rules are?
Take turns
Allow other students to use all structures.
Use the slides properly
Watch where are you going
Be respectful
What is to be safe in the bathroom.?
Only one person in a stall
Wash hands with soap and water
Throw toilet paper in the toilet
What do you do when you are walking with your class in the hallway?
Follow my class.
Look forward
Stay with my teacher.
Walk quietly.
keep my distance from other students.
Always walk on the right side.
What is the safe corner?
Is a safe, designated spot in the classroom where students can go when they are experiencing strong emotions.
If they run out of your favorite food you should...
Take the other option
Eat fruits and vegies
Be mindful
How do you get off the swings?
Slow yourself down until the swing has stopped.
How long you should wash your hands?
20 seconds.
How do you be safe in the hallway?
Walk/ No run
Keep hands to myself
No running on the staircase, and take only one step at a time.
How can you earn a dolphin deed?
Show empathy
Help others
Follow the rules
Compliment others
Inspire others
Hold the door
Be kind
Be safe
Being safe in the cafeteria means...
Stay seated until dismissed
Eat your own food
Keep voice level down.
Follow directions
Use equipment properly
Ask permission to leave the playground
Line up when the whistle blows.
being responsible
Being respectful in the bathroom means?
Use level 1 voice
Give others privacy
What is the voice level you should use in the hallway?
Volume "0" unless I am greeting a teacher.
How long can you stay in the safe corner?
5 -10 minutes.
This is the voice level you can use while eating lunch.
What is voice level 2 (talk so only 1-2 people can hear you)?
How long do you keep playing after your teacher tells you it's time to go in?
0 seconds. You stop what you are doing and line up as soon as your teacher tells you to.
This is what you should do if you see a mess in the bathroom.
Report it right away to your teacher.