The P in PRIDE stands for
You earned an 89% on an assessment.
The letter grade is
The fire alarm goes off-
Line up quietly, turn left out of the classroom door, turn left at the end of the hallway, line up by the softball field quietly.
Working in groups-
Stay with your group
What does having PRIDE look like in the classroom?
Multiple answers- raising your hand to speak
The R in PRIDE stands for
This is the number of weeks in each quarter.
A "Hold In Place" is announced.
What should you do?
If you are in the hallway, get back to class quickly.
No one is permitted in the halls-learning continues.
You hear a loud sound-
Stop and listen
What does having PRIDE look like in the cafeteria?
various answers- no skipping line
The I in PRIDE stands for
This number is how many quarters are in the school year.
You hear lockdown, lockdown, lockdown-
move quietly to the designated classroom area, sit down, no talking.
Stay silent until an announcement says the lockdown is over.
Sharpening a pencil-
If the teacher is talking wait until he/she finishes.
What does having PRIDE look like in the hallway?
various answers- walking on the right
The D in PRIDE stands for
You and your parent/guardian will receive a report midway through each of the 9 weeks.
This report is called-
Interim Report
Move to the designated inside wall. Crouch down facing the wall and cover your head.
Taking an assessment-
honor system- eyes on your own work
What does having PRIDE look like in the gym?
various answers- staying patiently in the area you belong in.
The E in PRIDE stands for
You earn a 69% or below what could you do to raise your grade?
Remediate using a study guide or tutoring and retake.
Modified Lockdown
taff and students should return to assigned classrooms immediately
Lock classroom door and close blinds
Continue instruction - be prepared for additional actions
Voices in the classroom-
No loud voices- we are inside!
What does having PRIDE look like at class dismissal?
Making sure the room is clean and waiting for the teacher to dismiss the class