Where do you sit during learning times?
Your rug spot or your desk spot!
How do you ask to use the bathroom?
How do we line up to go to snack and lunch?
Line order on the blue line. Quietly!
Where can you play tag?
On the black top!
What do you do before switching Choice Time stations?
Clean up the on you were at!
What is the first thing you do when you come into the classroom in the morning?
Order school lunch or home lunch!
When is the best time to use the bathroom?
After recess, during recess, during choice time, during work at tables. NOT during rug learning times!
You are done with your snack. What do you do before you go play?
Throw away trash, put items in the snack wagon. Walk to play.
What do you do when the bell rings?
-Return equipment to the blue cart.
How do we clean up the art table(s) at the end of Choice Time?
Return everything to where it needs to go (sort markers, crayons, etc.). Recycle used paper or put project in backpack. Check floor for papers. Sweep and wipe down tables.
Where does finished and unfinished work go?
red stop bin (finished) or green bin (unfinished)
What is the volume expectations in the bathroom?
You drop your snack on the ground. What do you do?
Your friend gets hurt. What do you do?
Tell an adult in the orange vest. If they need to go to the office, tell the adult you can walk them there. Return to playground.
How do we put away the blocks?
Gently, NO throwing.
What should we sound, look, and feel like during learning times on the rug?
Whole body listening!
What do you do after using the bathroom?
Wash your hands!! Throw paper towel IN the trash can.
Your friend asks you for some of your snack. What do you do?
We don't share snack at Ocean View! Say, "Sorry, we can't share food here."
You and your friend both want the last hula hoop. What can you do?
You are stuck on how to do the work. How do you ask for help?
Raise a hand!
I am feeling frustrated. What can I do? What tools can I use?
Tell a teacher, use the calm down corner for 3 minutes.
How do you wash your hands?
Warm water, soap, sing the ABCs! Scrub then rinse. Dry with paper towel.
What are the lunch time rules while eating?
Stay in your seat, talk at an indoor volume, hands to yourself, eat your food. Raise hand to get up. Clean up after yourself.
What are the play structure rules?
Why do we have a class promise? Recite it if you remember it!
To help us remember how to work together, learn, and have fun at school.