What voice level should you be on in the hallway?
Level 0, I don't talk in the hallway. If I have a question, I will save it until we get to the classroom
If you have a question, what should you do?
Raise your hand
What are the behaviors expected of me in the bathroom?
I do my business and get out. The bathroom is no place to play or hold a conversation.
Can I share food at lunchtime?
Absolutely no sharing food, please.
What should you always grab before you leave?
Planner, AR book, and water bottle if allowed
In the hallway in our line you should be facing what direction?
We should always be what to our classmates?
True or False
I can play in the bathroom if other students are playing.
You should use the restroom, wash your hands, and go back to class.
Before we go to lunch, we always give out what?
Hand sanitizer and lunch cards
Where do I line up as a town student?
First in the hallway by the lockers, then against the wall outside until I am dismissed by Mrs. McLean
True or false?
I can touch the wall when walking in the hallway as long as I don't mess anything up.
You should have your hands by your side and not touching the walls.
When is a good time to use the restroom?
During regular bathroom breaks. Can can also ask to go during work time if it is an emergency situation.
Where do I wait if the teacher is not in the classroom?
I will quietly wait in the hallway in a line against the wall.
If you need help in the lunchroom, what should you do?
raise your hand
What should a bus rider be doing in the cafeteria?
visiting quietly, I don't take items out of my backpack
If you see a friend or another teacher in the hallway, what should you do?
Wave to them instead of talking
What should you do when you hear your teacher give a call back response or ring the doorbell?
Stop what you are doing, look at Mrs. Hughes/McLean, and listen for instructions.
When on the playground it is important to do what?
Play safe by keeping my hands to myself. Be a good sport during games
What voice level are we on during lunch dismissal/recess prep?
Level 0, we all are quiet so we can head outside and have some fun.
What should a bus rider be doing on the bus?
Staying in their seat, hands and feet to yourself, I can have a quiet conversation but NO YELLING.
What should you never do in a hallway?
Unless there is an emergency (fire, lockdown, or your teacher is seriously injured)
How do I work with a partner in class?
I should sit shoulder to shoulder with my partner, using a 6-inch voice. I give my full attention and effort.
What is our Cuba School motto?
As a member of Cuba Elementary, I can regulate, relate, and reason for success.
If I have a serious issue with another student at lunch what can I do?
I raise my hand and ask for adult support. I don't take matters into my own hands. Name calling, hitting or yelling only get me in trouble
Who/what dismisses you at the end of the day what is my job at my locker?
The teacher dismisses me and I get packed up immediately. I stand in my line quietly