form a _____
garden team
this plant is used on sunburns
Children in these schools are spending less time with nature
urban schools
develop this subjects skills by keeping a journal, for example
language arts
bringing in this person can share a planting story
develop a _____
garden proposal
quickly grows into a vine
"the number of _____ people has increased to 821 million"
activities with this subject allow students to express their learning artistically
if an Elder is unavailable, you can read a _____
an Authentic First Peoples Story
submit the _____
survivors and can withstand abuse, leathery -- similar to what its named after
snake plant
takes initiative to as a platform for more practical nutrition
school gardens ;)
with this subject students can learn understand local food systems
socials studies
wealth of this resource has dimensions of healing, spirituality, ceremony, nutrition, and technology
plant resources
secure the ________
"really truly hard to kill"
cast iron plant
school gardens can sometimes develop to raise these:
livestock and fish
data collection, analysis, inquiry
Corn, Squash, and Beans
The Three Sisters
________ and installation
small and can live in tiny pots; a tougher, leggier, faster-growing jade plant
elephant bush
school gardens improve food and nutrition education through...
hands on learning environment, mixed-age learning
this resource is a fantastic resource guide that includes gardening and to authentically incorporate and share First Peoples Knowledge
FNESC: First Nations Education Steering Committee