How can you tell that someone is struggling with Mental Health?
1. You can't, Mental Health can sometimes be an invisible thing that no one can see.
2. If you talk to them and they say they are struggling.
3. Other acceptable responses.
English: What is an example of an Alliteration?
Heavy horses hiding.
Lonely ladies laughing.
Name 6 Adults who are consistent leaders at the Centre.
Melissa, Wesley, Martha, Nina, John, and Bob.
How many mentors have pets?
3 (Melissa, Nina, Wesley)
What are 3 Mental Health Diagnoses?
Science: Name 3 parts of a Volcano.
1) magma chamber, 2) lava, 3) primary vent, 4) throat, 5) conduit, 6) crater, 7) summit, 8) secondary vent, 9) secondary cone, 10) lava flow, and 11) ash cloud.
What is Cornerstone? What does it mean to you?
Personal Answer.
What is your favorite thing about yourself (must be positive)?
Personal Answer
Have you ever dealt with Mental Health? How did you cope with it?
Personal Answer
Math: Convert 40% into its lowest fraction, whole number, and into a decimal.
2/5 , 40, 0.40
What is one fun fact about each adult (6) in the centre.
Wesley: Loves One Piece
Martha: Loves Ducks
Melissa: Drives an Orange Car
Nina: Has a cat named Bagel
John: Goes to school at Bow Valley College
Bob: Loves Coffee.
What has a head and a tail, but no body?
A coin
What Mental Health Issue is the most prevalent throughout Canada?
Mood Disorders: Anxiety, Depression, and Bipolar
Social Studies: Name 5 Canadian Historical Figures.
1. John A Macdonald
2. Wayne Gretsky
3. Terry Fox
4. Louis Riel
5. Viola Desmond
6. Sir Wilfred Laurier
7. Margaret Atwood
8. Chief Tecumseh
9. Louis Riel
10. Emily Murphy
Name 3 other organizations that support/ help out Cornerstone.
Family Foods
The Food Bank
Crossroads Community Association
The Veterans Foodbank
Science Centre
What is a HARD goal?
What groups of people are more at risk or have higher rates of suicide (name 2):
Women have higher rates of self-harm. Self-harm can be a risk factor for suicide.
Geography: What Country/ies border Canada?
United States of America and Greenland
Name 4/6 Constellation words we use at Cornerstone.
How has the Centre changed your life? Has it changed your life?
Personal Question.