To magnify God and mature His people
What is vision or why we exist?
Can use hashtags, emojis, drawings to complete this portion of Homiletics
What is Content?
What you do to start your bible time
What is open your bible and pray
this level feels pressure to fit in and is easily influenced by peers
What is level 3
know what they believe, why they believe and to be able to say what they believe
What is the Goal of basic truths
Rely on the inexhaustible resources of God in the power of the Holy Spirit for everything His work requires
What is the Core value of dependence on God
Summarizes the passage; identifies where passage is in the bible; facts only
What is the Subject Sentence?
The name of the teaching point or truth for each division
What is the principle
this level communicates through story telling, drawing, and acting.
What is Level 1
This level memorizes the questions and the bold portion of the answer
What is level one
Consistently integrate God’s character into thought, word and deed
What is the Core value of Integrity
What you have learned while studying the passage, about God or man, that is the main truth
What is the Aim?
portion where you engage and draw students in using illustrations or other techniques.
What is the opener
this levels currency value is independence with choices and opinions
What is Senior level
additional verses reviewed and discussed by level 3 and senior
What are Hard Questions
Aim: this area of growth is extended to community demonstrating Christ-centered lives
What is Spiritual maturity
Gets the main teaching of the passage into our hearts and lives of students
What are Application Questions?
the focus of this is heart transformation and not just change of outward behavior
Application question
What level guides students to discover answers rather than telling them.
What is Level 3
when instructing Basic truth it is the first step.
What is write out the question
AIM: Who do we (SP) reach with the gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible engagement.
What is the next generation
Narrowing the content to remember details of the passage, groups of verses, facts only, complete sentences
What are Divisions?
Encourage student participation by graciously helping them discover answers from the Bible
What is discussion time
What level do leaders guide to celebrate their personal growth as they establish their own faith?
What is Senior level
this level has the students verbalize the truth they've learned.
What is Senior level