when should you get up to get food?
what is on the carts and on the lunch lines?
when should you raise your hand?
what is when you have a question or a wonder
what is the right time to get up in class?
what is Snack,when its time to clean up and to go to the bathroom or to ask a question that is important
When do you clean up?
What is after recess is over you get the items and put it on the carts
Should you EVER raise your hand if you don't understand something in P.E?
What is yes you should its better to know something then play your own way
should you throw food across the rooms?
what is No you should never throw food across the room
when do you speak out and not raise your hand?
What is You shouldn't, that's considered kind of rude especially if you are in middle school or high school
when should you talk back to a teacher or be rude to people?
What is NEVERRRRRRRRRR (i hope you didn't have to think about that one!)
Should you scream or hit your ukulele?
What is are you serious? NOOOOOO the items can be damaged and if you scream people can get disturbed.
should you move seats every few minutes to talk to others?
What is NO! Noone attendants do so much and they cant stand people chit chatting when getting food
In the cafeteria, should you walk around
What is No, walking around makes Noone Attendents pretty frustrated