Open the door for them or ask if they need help carrying anything.
What portrait trait encourages students to produce original ideas and solutions to daily tasks and value artistic expression through various mediums and forms?
What hours of the day are you allowed to use your phone at school?
1. After 3pm
2. Only when you receive permission from an adult
Dress code: What head coverings should you never wear inside?
Hats, hoods, beanie
When you miss class where should you check to find the assigned homework?
What types of trash go into each of the following trash cans: black, green, blue?
Black - trash for the landfill
Green - anything compostable - food, compostable plates or silverware
Blue - anything recyclable
What portrait trait asks students to identify their strengths and challenges and acknowledge their impact on other people?
What is the purpose of using technology at school responsibly?
Keep your information safe and use it for learning only.
What food are you allowed to eat in classrooms?
NONE! Trick question, it only asked about food.
What is the name of the school counselor that works primarily with 6th grade?
Who is Mr. Merkle
What characteristic and portrait of a middle schooler trait asks students to display a strong moral compass and do the right thing, even when it isn't cool or what everyone else is doing?
A student that asks and answers questions to deepen their understanding is displaying what portrait of a middle schooler trait?
What does "Think before you post" mean?
Make sure what you post is true, kind, and appropriate.
When is homework due unless otherwise noted by a teacher?
At the start of class!
Where can you report an observed instance of bias?
On Veracross, click the Bias Incident button.
What is the term that describes a person that tunes in to surroundings, copies the positive energy and mood, adjusts their actions to fit the time and place, and always stay true to themself?
A social chameleon!
A student that shows the ability to grow and learn and that failure is part of being successful is displaying what portrait of a middle schooler trait?
Why is humor often lost when posting online or texting with friends?
2. Can be offensive to a person's culture or background
What are our four community values?
1. Commit to learning
2. Own our outcomes
3. Acknowledge view beyond our own
4. Care for community
What should you do when you know in advance that you will be absent from classes? (2 part answer)
1. Get an absence form from Ms. Rosado
2. Inform your teachers about the days you will be missing.
What are common three classroom behaviors that distract from learning and are disrespectful to your teacher and classmates?
1. Interrupting your teacher
2. Talking while someone else is talking
3. Ignoring instructions or refusing to follow rules
What portrait of a middle schooler trait describe a student that maintains a healthy balance of work and play and positively impacts the people and spaces they interact with?
Positive Amplifier
Is it good idea to join the 6th grade (or whatever group) group chat?
It depends - be a social chameleon online, but don't accept mean or harmful behavior from yourself or friends online.
If it causes more harm/stress than good, then leave the chat.
Finish the mission statement: In a community that fosters academic excellence, ethical responsibility, an global engagement, Pacific Ridge School strives to foster students for ...
college and a purposeful life.
What are the two locations you can find the IT department?
1. Second floor of the Innovation Center
2. In H109