General Orientation
These are the 6 rights of medication
What is: 1. Right student 2. Right medication 3. Right route 4. Right time 5. Right dose 6. Right documentation
This is when you should complete a student encounter form.
What is anytime you make a nursing assessment?
This is when you should notifiy your supervisor.
What is... altered work schedule, 911 call, DSS referral, upset/angry parent, subpoena, injury to nurse while on the job, potential foodborne illness or comunicable disease, issues which may require media coverage?
When a teacher sends a student to the nurse this is he/she should bring with them.
What is a health room referral (or note)?
This is the law that protects the confidentiality of a student's health record.
What is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)?
When a parent comes into HR to drop off medication for their child this is what you need to check before they leave.
What is: 1. check med auth for completion including the student's name, med, dose, time of administration, parent and MD signature. 2. Check med for proper pharmacy label 3. Check expiration date 4. If daily p.o med ask what is best way to let them know that refills are needed- note, call, email? 5. If order says "at lunch" determine time at administer.
This is where you file student encounter forms.
What is the student's orange Individual Health Record?
This is what the nurse should do if school is delayed due to inclement weather.
What is arrive to school as close to normally scheduled time as can be done safely.
This is what you do when you suspect a child has strep throat (c/o h/a, fever, nausea, and sore throat, etc).
What is call parent, refer to doctor and complete a medical referral form for parent to take to MD?
This is the law that protects the confidentiality of a student's education record.
What is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)?
These are the medications that students can self-medicate with a note from the parent.
What are over-the-counter medications?
This is what should be documented on a student's permanent health card in the cumulative record.
What is immunizations and/or exemptions, failed vision and hearing screening results and follow-up, notice of emergency action plans or individualized health care plans on file, kindergarten physicals?
If you need to take a pre-planned absence this is what you would need to do...
What is complete a Request for Leave form, have your principal sign and fax to your supervisor for approval and make sure that a back-up care manager while be on campus?
During a mass dental screening a student is seen with an abcess. This is what you would do.
What is contact parent and send a dental emergency referral form home?
These are the 3 possible exceptions for HIPAA?
What is consent of treatment for lifesaving measures, reportable communicable diseases, and immunization records?
This is what is required for a student to self-medicate a prescription medication.
A medication authorization form signed by parent and PCP and a signed self-medication contract by student and nurse.
This is what you do with the student's IHR when they transfer within disctrict.
What is give the entire, original, orange IHR to the data manager in a manilla folder addressed "To the attention of School Nurse" to transfer with the cumulative record?
This is how many years we have had a nurse in every school in Cabarrus County.
What is 14?
This is where you would document follow-up information on a student seen in the office the previous day and referred to MD.
Where is bottom of Student Encounter form under "follow-up'?
Under HIPAA this is how a School Nurse can share student health information with school personnel.
What is on an individual student on a need-to-know basis?
It is 1:15 p.m. and you discover a student did not receive their 12:30 p.m. medication and this is what you would do.
It is greater then 30 minutes so.... what is contact the parent and complete a medication incident report. have principal sign it and fax a copy to your supervisor and document on back of the medication log?
These are the 3 places that a student's medication authorization should be kept?
What is 1. IHR 2. Medication book 3. Field trip bag?
This is who your immediate supervisor is.
Sheri & Mary-Who is Kim Ragan? Beth, Natalie, & Rachel-Who is Alice Luttman?
You should never write this on a medical referral form to MD.
What is write a diagnosis for the student?
A parent can request to review their own child's education/health records. This law allows them to do so.
What is FERPA?