PharmD + Careers
PharmTox + Careers

The degree or educational path that you need to pursue if you are interested in becoming a licensed pharmacist within the United States.

What is a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree?


A health professions program that students might pursue after they complete the PharmTox undergraduate degree (multiple answers - name one)!

What is:

-Medicine (Doctor)
-Physical Therapy
-Physician Assistant
-Veterinary Medicine


The minimum number of years it takes to complete the prerequisites for the PharmD program


What is this typically called/referred to?

2 years




The number of years a student typically spends taking college prerequisite courses before being admitted to the PharmTox degree.

What is two years?


A global leader in pharmacy education, research, service and professional development for over 130 years.

What is the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy?


Types of settings where graduates of a PharmD program might work (there are multiple answers but try to name at least 3).

There are actually over 700 career options but here are a few of the more common paths:

-Hospitals and clinics

-Community pharmacies

-Long term care facilities

-Government agencies (FDA, NIH, CDC)

-Pharmaceutical Companies


The study of the sites, properties, effects, and mechanisms of drug action—the interactions of chemicals with biological systems.

What is pharmacology?


General chemistry, biology, calculus, psychology, economics.

What are some of the prerequisite course for the PharmD program.

Others include organic chemistry, physics, microbiology, statistics.


An activity that can help improve your PharmTox application (and give you valuable experience!); also a requirement once in the major.

What is research?


What are two of the programs offered by the School of Pharmacy that are of most interest to high school and new undergraduate students?

What is the: 

-BS Pharmacology and Toxicology (undergraduate degree/major)


-Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD - professional degree)


Common roles and responsibilities of pharmacists (again there are many answers - try for at least three).

-Advise doctors, nurses and other health care team members about medication therapy

-Counsel patients on medication use and provide clinical services to help optimize their care

-Review medications to identify and manage drug interactions and adverse effects

-Immunize patients and provide screenings for preventative care

-Provide primary care for patients with chronic diseases with complex medication regimens

-Manage pharmacy departments

-Research, develop and test new medications


The study of adverse or negative effects of chemicals on humans and animals, including exposure assessment, hazard identification, dose response assessment, and risk characterization.

What is toxicology?


The number of applicants AND admitted students for the students admitted to the PharmD program for the fall 2019.

359 total applications (average applicant pool ranges from 350-425)


134 admitted students (typical class size ranges from 130-140)


The approximate number of students admitted to PharmTox every year.

What is 25?


The School of Pharmacy offers over 20 of these unique opportunities.

Student organizations and interest groups focused on a variety of topics and specialty areas (pediatric pharmacy, global health, pharmaceutical industry, leadership and many more...)





What is the total PharmD tuition for in-state residents at the UW School of Pharmacy?


What is the average starting salary for graduates of the UW School of Pharmacy?


PharmTox students can apply for this opportunity in order to receive funding to attend a national conference in a scientific field.

What are travel awards?


What is the "preferred" undergraduate major for the PharmD program?

Trick question - Our program does not require students to complete and undergraduate major to be eligible to apply to the PharmD program.

50% of students complete an undergraduate degree prior to attending the PharmD program AND have majors from all academic disciplines (biological/physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, languages).


The person you can talk to before you apply to PharmTox, who can help you with prerequisites, becoming a competitive applicant, and more.

Who is Kendra? (or, the PharmTox advisor!)


The School of Pharmacy is home to several nationally recognized research centers - name one of them.

-Sonderegger Research Center: health services research

-Zeeh Pharmaceutical Experiment Station: early development of new medicines

-Medicinal Chemistry Center: collaborative drug discovery

-Analytical Instrumentation Center: high-tech facilities supporting pharmacy research

-Wisconsin Center for nanobiosystems: drug development through nanotechnology


TOP 10

Ranking of the UW School of Pharmacy's PharmD Program (US News and World Report)


A website that provides lots of details on the PharmTox requirements and courses, careers, advising, and more.


Things students can do to become a strong, competitive applicant for our PharmD program (try to name 2-3).

-Demonstrate a strong academic record (we like to see grades of B or better).

-Learn about the pharmacy profession and roles of pharmacists (job shadow, pre-pharmacy club, pharmacy courses, work/volunteer in a pharmacy).

-Get involved in community service and/or some type of extracurricular activities).

-Demonstrate leadership skills and teamwork

-Engage in activities/experiences to develop cultural awareness and knowledge of issues of social justice, inclusion, diversity and identity.


The amount or level of calculus students need to complete in order to apply to PharmTox.

What is Calc I (Math 221)?


Nationally recognized and award winning!

The School of Pharmacy FACULTY! Many serve on national academies, associations, journal editorial boards and run groundbreaking research labs.