What are the two drills we do during the year?
Fire drill, Lock Down drill
what do you do when you want to ask a question or answer a question?
Raise your hand and wait.
What do you need to write on every piece of work?
Your Name
When you get to school on the bus, what do you do?
Walk to the door and wait to be let in and then quietly line up by the wall to go upstairs.
If you make a mess, who cleans it up?
What do you do if you get sick?
Tell and adult
Where are the places you can work?
at your desk, teacher's desk, EA's desk, quiet rooms, hallway, semi-circle table with an adult.
What happens if I can't read your writing?
It gets marked wrong.
When you get to school not on the bus, what do you do?
Wait at the door to be let in at 8:15 and then wait by the wall or where an adult tells you until it's time to go upstairs
Do you need to lock your locker every time you leave it?
What do you do if you get hurt?
You tell an adult
How do you ask for a break?
Raise your hand and explain what is going on to an adult.
In complete sentences
True or False: We can run and scream in the hallways
What do you do if you are late?
Go to the office to check in and get a late slip and then quietly come to class.
quickly line up at the door. We will walk down the staircase to our right outside the room and outside to the goal post in the field and wait until we can go back in.
What is the routine for Phys. Ed?
Line up and wait for an adult. Quietly walk to the gym and do laps for a warm up or to the fitness centre and do 5 min of cardio.
True or False: If there is a multi-step question I only need to answer part of it.
What happens during lunch time?
You need to stay seated until you are done eating lunch and you cannot do things with others until they are done eating as well.
What are the rules with your phones/electronic devices?
They have to stay in your locker during class time.
What do we do during a lock down
Go against a wall and sit quietly. An adult will close the blinds and make sure the doors are locked. Then wait quietly until the lock down is over.
What is the appropriate way to enter and leave the classroom?
Raise your hand to ask to go, quietly leave the classroom. When you come back knock and then quietly wait for an adult to answer the door and then quietly go back to your spot.
If you are doing individual work, can you talk to everyone around you?
What do you do if you are in an integrated class?
Make sure you get there on time and walk through the hallways appropriately.
At lunch, if you get school lunch, how do you get it?
You need to be seated in your desk and adult will come around with the basket. You will tell them what you would like and they will take it out of the basket for you.