Class Facts
This Is How We Do It
Lunch Bunch
Beyond The Bell

What do you do when you want to talk in class? 

Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on


How do we show that we are ready for class?

We walk into the class calm and quietly. We have our materials ready. We greet Ms. Robertson as we come in and take our seats. Start Do Nows.


How should you walk going to lunch? 

Quietly and in a line


If you ever come to school late, what do you do? 

Stop by the office to get a late slip. Come into class calmly and quietly; Non-disruptive to the learning


What side of the stairwell should we walk on?

The right side


How can you help your classmates be great students? 

By listening to what each other has to say, eyes and ears on the speaker. Encouraging each other with kind words. 


Why is it important for all your work to be authentic? What consequence will be given if your work is plagarized?

We come to school to make mistakes and learn how to evolve our mind with critical thinking skills. Automatic 0.


When the lunch teacher announces lunch is about to be over. What should you be doing?

Clean up your lunch and help clean your table so you can begin transition. 


If you are ever absent, what should you do?

You should find a homework buddy and exchange info. Makeup any missing work as quickly as possible. Come see or email Ms. Robertson. She will not bite you. Work and notes will be posted daily on Google Slides in Classroom. Check it out! :)


Is it ever okay to disagree with a classmate's opinion? What should you do? 

Yes. If you disagree, you should still be respectful to them and simply and calmly express why your opinion differs. 


How can you show respect for other classmates and Ms. Robertson's property?

By not abusing or destroying their property. Ask for permission before touching their things. Treat their property with care as if it was my own. 


How do you ask for help in class? 

You may talk in inside voices with your partner next to you. If you still need help, raise your hand for Ms. Robertson's assistance. 


How should we treat our classmates and teachers during lunch?

We listen, we are kind, we include everyone in our games. 


What does engaging group work NOT look like?

Spending class time to gossip with my friends. Eat/Share snacks. Not complete my classwork to the entirety/best of my abilities. 


What are some tips to follow if a classmate gets an answer wrong?

Answers may vary. Be supportive. Say good try. Don't laugh. 


What kinds of food and drinks can students have in class?

Students should not be eating in class. Only drinks permitted in class is a water bottle. 


When should I use the bathroom? 

During transitions, after instruction is given, during journals or Do nows. During independent/group work. 


Why is important for you to listen to Ms. Robertson and follow the class expectations?

Ms. Robertson is the adult. It is her classroom. These expectations are made so that you can make the most of your education.


What are the expectations for W.I.N? What will not be acceptable?

W.I.N. What I Need. Complete homework, classwork, study for an upcoming test. No video games, no sleeping.


How should you act if you are playing a competition or game and you lose but your classmate wins?

Answers may vary. Congratulate classmate. Be a good sport. High-five. Not whine. Be positive. 


What does engaging group work look like? 

Staying on task, participating with the group, taking turns sharing ideas, being respectful to each other, and using kind language. 


What are some tips for someone who doesn't have a pencil/pen?

Ask a classmate to BORROW a pencil. If nobody has one, raise your hand and BORROW one of Ms. Robertson's. Use the pencil sign out. Bring more than one pencil to school. 


Why is it important for us to follow these procedures for lunch every single day? 

Because it ensures your safety and the safety of others. It helps keeps things organized. 


When we are in a lockdown, what steps are we going to take?

Stay calm, close and lock doors, pull down shades, get out of view from any window or door. Stay silent until the lockdown is over. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!


What should you do if you don't understand the homework or classwork material?

500: Do your best with the notes you took. Ask a friend for help. Notify/email Ms. Robertson of your struggles and she will help you during a free period. Breathe and don't be embarrassed. =)
