The Federal Gov't "Acts" on Education
Pedagogue Personalities
OECD Knows Best
This 2001 Act required states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades if those states are to receive federal funding for school, although it stopped short of establishing national achievement standards.
What is the No Child Left Behind Act?
This business-minded former Chancellor of N.Y.C. schools upset many in 2011 when she responded to a question from a parent about overcrowded classrooms in N.Y.C. by jokingly suggesting that the solution to future overcrowding may be birth control.
Who is Cathleen (Cathie) P. Black?
The OECD says that boosting scores for reading, math and this subject by 25 points over the next 20 years would result in a gain of 41 trillion dollars for the U.S. economy over the lifetime of the generation born in 2010.
What is science?
According to "Issues For Debate", the United States ranks 5th in the average math scores of 8th-grade students ranked from selected countries in 2007. This island nation in Asia sits at the top of this list.
What is Taiwan?
The Basic Educational Opportunity Grant was renamed this in honor of U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell, Democrat of Rhode Island.
What is the Pell Grant?
This 1965 Act, so named for the educational level it focused on, increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships and gave low-interest loans for students.
What is the Higher Education Act?
This fiery former Chancellor of D.C. schools had no experience running a school system, and had not even been a principal, when hired in 2007.
Who is Michelle Rhee?
According to the 2009 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study, this country was the top performing in reading, mathematics and science.
What is China?
In "Issues For Debate", 8th-grade students who qualified for this benefit ranked lower in mathematics than those whose family income was high enough to make them ineligible.
What is free or reduced-priced lunch?
This school in Arizona is among the largest for-profit institutions of higher learning in North America, attaining a peak enrollment of 600,000 in 2010.
What is the University of Phoenix?
This 1964 Act ended racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public.
What is the Civil Rights Act?
The 9th person to be appointed Secretary of Education, this athletic individual graduated from Harvard University and played professional basketball, mostly in Australia.
Who is Arne Duncan?
This island nation, whose Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted in 2010, nearly doubles the U.S. in percentage of college graduates in 2007.
What is Iceland?
A 2009 Stanford Unversity study found that these types of schools outperformed their public-school counterparts in Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Denver and Chicago.
What are charter-schools?
This individual promised to do away with the Department of Education as a cabinet post during the 1980 presidential election.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
This appropriately named 1975 Act prohibited discrimination based on age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance (for instance financial assistance to schools and colleges, provided by the Department of Education).
What is the Age Discrimination Act?
This teacher became an American citizen in 1940, and taught at Princeton until his death. He published more than 300 scientific papers along with over 150 non-scientific works.
Who is Albert Einstein?
The U.S., 12th place in the percentage of population that has attained at least upper secondary education in 25-34 year olds, is two spots higher than this small Baltic nation that enjoys the highest GDP per person among former Soviet republics.
What is Estonia?
According to "Issues For Debate", this state, whose largest metro area is Greater Hartford, is ranked first among all states in eighth-grade reading proficiency.
What is Connecticut?
This organization, launched in 1994 by a co-founder of Microsoft, is a major donor of school-reform projects.
What is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?
The Department of Education funded a $4.35 billion competition to spur reforms to state and local K-12 education in 2009 funded by this Act, whose initials are ARRA.
What is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?
In 1990 Princeton graduate Wendy Kopp turned her senior-thesis idea on elimination educational inequalities into this organization, which recruits elite-college graduates to teach for two years in low-income districts.
What is Teach For America?
Across primary and secondary education levels, this European nation landlocked by Belgium, France and Germany leads the OECD nations in annual teacher salaries, giving up to $101,163 for primary educators.
What is Luxembourg?
This southern state spends less per pupil (about $8,500) than almost any state.
What is Mississippi?
Retiree benefits and these costs add to at least 20 percent in costs beyond salary for a public-sector worker, such as a teacher, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
What are Health Insurance Costs?