When in the hallways you ______ not run.
What is walk?
List the 4 special classes.
What is music, PE, computers, and library? (The order does not matter.)
You need to practice these when in the cafeteria.
What is good table manners?
Bathrooms are a breeding ground for these.
What are germs?
Never climb these two things on our playground.
What are trees and slides?
When walking down the hallways we never put our hands, or other body parts on the _______.
What is walls?
You should make sure you are wearing these on PE days.
What are sneakers or tennis shoes?
You always chew your food with this closed.
What is my mouth?
The last thing you do before leaving the restroom.
What is wash your hands and throw away the paper towels (NO HOOPS!!)?
An illegal action that makes our world ugly.
What is littering?
It is important to be very quiet in the hallways because...
What is "we do not want to bother other classrooms"?
Our librarian's name.
Who is Mrs. Knutson?
Germs can spread when you do this.
What is touching food with your hand and giving it to someone?
The ideal amount of soap dispenser pumps and paper towel pulls.
What is 2 of each?
Never do these actions on the playground, as someone could get hurt.
What is play fighting, wrestling, sparring, contact football/soccer?
The name of the thing that you are NOT allowed to jump up and touch.
What is a door jam?
You should never fail to do this in specials classes.
What is follow ALL rules even if you don't want to?
In the olden days, people with good manners were called this.
What is ladies and gentlemen?
Three items that should never enter the bathroom with you.
What is: food; something to write with; your phone? (order does not matter)
You could choke to death if you do this on the playground.
What is eating?
When you do this, others feel like you do not value them, or that you feel that you are better than those behind you.
What is cutting in line?
This will happen if you make disrespectful choices in specials class.
What is: lose recess, write apologies, visit Mr. Channer/ Mrs. Kincheloe, or whatever else Mrs. Chierici comes up with?
If you take food off of someone's tray, or from their cold lunch this will happen.
What is not eating with other students for at least a week, and subjected to a long, boring lecture?
This will happen to you if you write on stalls/walls, climb on toilets, play with soap/paper towels, or swing/hang on the stall doors.
This equipment is not for students to use without the help of an adult.
What are plastic swings with child restraints?