What should you do if the teacher is not in the classroom and the door is locked?
Wait quietly in the hallway until you are told what to do
Where should you go during a lockdown drill in my class?
Away from the doors and windows, hide in a safe place
Who is allowed to open the classroom door?
An adult in the room
Teacher, aide, sub
Where does B wing upstairs exit the building for a fire drill?
Auditorium doors
When there is a fire drill, what should you do if you are in the upstairs B wing?
Line up on right side of the hallway in a single file line and follow the teacher.
If you are going to be absent, what are you responsible for during class?
Getting any work that was missed
During a lockdown drill, what should you do once you are in the science closet?
Get down, be quiet and remain vigilant
What are the procedures when walking into the classroom?
Get your journal, turn in your phone, place bags in the front, take your seat
Where does A wing downstairs exit the building during a drill?
Front main doors
If a fire did happen and the smoke is really heavy, what should you do?
Crawl to the exit
Who is responsible for your class grade?
the student is responsible to turn in all missing work in a timely manner
What must be turned off when we are in a lockdown drill?
Silence your phones, lights off the classroom, turn of the clear touch
The classroom should look empty
How do you use a fire extinguisher?
Stand 8-10 feet back, pull the pin, aim, squeeze and sweep (P.A.S.S.)
Which doors do A wing upstairs exit the building during a drill?
Auditorium doors
When we line up, what should you do?
Stay in line, walk quickly, and stay quiet
If you are talking, playing games, or watching Netflix and not doing your work, what will happen?
Fall behind, not turn in the assignment, fail the class,
During a lockdown, if someone is knocking on the door, do you open the door?
If you see someone get hurt or sick, what do you need to do?
Tell the teachers, adult, counselors
Which doors do B wing downstairs exit the building?
Front main doors
When you notice someone missing, you should _____.
Tell your teacher immediately.
What percent is approaches, meets, and masters on the STAAR test?
38% approaches
60% meets
82% masters
If you are in the hallway during a lockdown, where should you go?
Into the nearest classroom, or find a safe hiding space
Which area of the classroom should you not be in during classroom instruction?
Behind the teacher's desk, in the lab area, by the classroom door
Where does A and B wings line up during a fire drill when they exit the building?
In front of the football field entrance in a single file line.
When you come back to the classroom and you see everyone gone, what should you do?
Get out of the building and go to the safe zone depending on your classroom location, Find your teacher in the safe zone
Ex. Upstairs and Downstairs classrooms line up by the football field entrance.