What do you use to write?
We use pencils or ballpens
Where all the students eat lunch.
In this subject we draw and paint.
Who is the Music Teacher?
Ms. Fender
Where does your cell phone belong during class.
Where do you keep your PENCILS?
In my desk/backpack.
A person you see when your in trouble at school.
Principal's Office/Principal
In this subject, we explore the wonders of the world and conduct some experiments.
Who is the Art Teacher?
Ms. Corliss
Where do you sit in the classroom?
We sit in a chair with our desks.
The place you go when you are hurt
In this subject, we learn about important events that happened in the past.
What are our school colors?
Yellow and Blue
Something that shows a video to the entire class
the projector and whiteboard / tv
The place where you exercise.
The gym
In this subject, we add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
What is the full name of the school?
Robert Lunt elementary school
What is our official time in coming to school before it is considered late?
8 am
What device do students use to do online learning
Students' PC/ cellphones
Where can you research using the print materials as refences?
The Library
Double points: Who is your teacher
Ms. Kelly
What month do you start school?
What time does the school day end?
What do you use to remove the writings on the board?
The outdoor area, used especially by students, contains recreational equipment such as slides and swings.
What city and state do you live in?
Las Vegas, NV
What number represents August?
What time does lunch end and you are no longer able to have food door dashed?
What do you use to take your things home?
School bag or backpack
Where do you settle conflicts with your peers or others concerning misbehavior?
guidance office/Teacher
Double points for this Bonus Question :
What is our classroom number.
Who is the principal at Robert Lunt Elementary School?
Principal Drakulich
What's our Mascot at the school?