What do you use to cut paper?
We use scissors.
Where all the students and teachers get lunch.
Person you can visit to take a break that has his own room
Mr. Cothran
You study numbers in this class
Math class
What do you use to write?
We use pencils or pens.
Where teachers print work assignments?
Person you can go to get office supplies
Mrs. Housey
You study the past and what happened to people in this class.
Social Studies class
Where do you write notes?
I write notes in my notebook
The place where you exercise.
The gym
Person you can go to if you feel like you need to talk
Ms. Figueroa
The class that is sometimes taught outside where you use your body
Sport you play with teammates where you kick a ball
Where do you sit in the classroom?
We sit in a chair at our desks.
Place where lots of books are kept
Person you would see if you feel sick or hurt
Nurse Karen
This is where you learn how to paint, draw and traditional cultures
Art class
Something that shows a video to the entire class
Outdoor area, used especially by children, used to play a group game with a ball.
Basketball court
Person you would go to if you have a bus problem
Mr. Connor
Students perform experiments in this class
Science class
Game that requires logic and moves pieces on a board