Social work month is always during this month.
What is March?
It takes this number of social workers to change a lightbulb.
What is one?
*but the lightbulb has to want to change
The group of clients or client systems for which a social worker is responsible to serve.
What is case load?
I am one of the first women to receive a Nobel peace prize in 1931.
Who is Jane Addams?
In this movie, the central characters Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust live in Headquarters, the control centre inside Rileys mind.
What is Inside Out
The theme for Social Work Month 2025.
What is Compassion and Action
This social worker said, "I do this for the money".
What is No Social Worker Ever?
A technical word for a family tree and used as a means of helping families identify significant family members and how they relate to one another.
What is a genogram?
Born in Richmond, VA on March 24, 1912, I am a social worker and civil rights activist, affectionately called “the godmother of the civil rights movement” by President Obama.
Who is Dorothy I. Height?
What organization writes the licensure exam for social workers?
What is ASWB
This is is one of the largest membership organizations of professional social workers in the world.
Sometimes I have to remind people that I am a social worker and not this type of worker.
An ethical principle that recognizes the rights and needs of clients to be free to make their own choices and decisions.
What is self-determination?
I began my journey as a women's rights and civil rights activist, working as a social worker, teacher, and lecturer. I am known for my Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Color Purple.
What organization received the first child abuse complaint that was taken to court and ended in adjudication?
What is American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or an animal welfare society?
What is the name of the house in Chicago that Social Workers would have visited in the 1880s and 1900s
What is Hull House
Being a social worker is easy. It's like riding this.
What is a bike?
*except the bike is on fire, you're on fire, everything is on fire.
The act of intervening on behalf of an individual, group, or community to represent, defend, and support access to resources and/or services, and to address structural obstacles or barriers that restrict civil rights and principles of social justice.
What is advocacy?
I am the first Democratic woman to serve in both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, the first woman to win a statewide election in Maryland, and the longest serving woman in the history of Congress.
Who is Barbara Mikulski?
What is the significance of a green ribbon
What is Mental Health Awareness
The ethical principals of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence are based on this?
What is social work’s core values?
Fill in the blank, if you didn't ____than it didn't happen.
What is document it
An increase in perceived self-efficacy, resulting from a belief in the ability to positively influence ones’ environment and improve personal circumstances.
What is empowerment?
I was involved in expanding school access for black children, and worked with Jane Addams to oppose the establishment of segregated schools in Chicago.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
A holiday movie about child abandonment and multiple agency failings.
What is Home Alone